CALL TO PRAYER: PAKISTAN COURT FINALLY HEARS CASE OF PERSECUTED CHRISTIAN ASIA BIBI Dan Wooding : Mar 17, 2014 : Assist News Service Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian mother-of-five, was accused of blasphemy by a co-worker and has been languishing in prison since 2009. Four years after she was convicted and sentenced to death, her appeal is due be heard by a double bench at the Lahore High Court on March 17. (Lahore, Pakistan)—The Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS) has told Assist News Service that the appeal in the long awaited blasphemy case of Asia Bibi is due to be heard soon. Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian mother-of-five, was accused of blasphemy by a co-worker and has been languishing in prison since 2009. Four years after she was convicted and sentenced to death, her appeal is due be heard by a double bench at the Lahore High Court on March 17. Asia has always denied that she defiled the name of the prophet Mohammed during an argument with Muslim co-workers, but was convicted following a trial. She was sentenced to death in 2010 and her case attracted national and international attention, said Nasir Saeed, CLAAS-UK Director. Since her conviction, there have been two murders of Pakistan leaders who have supported her case. The former Governor of Punjab, Salmaan Taseer, was killed by his own guard, Malik Mumtaz Qadri for supporting Asia Bibi, branding the blasphemy laws black and demanding changes. Malik Mumtaz Qadri is still in prison and considered a hero of Islam by many in the country. Shahbaz Bhatti, the Federal Minister for Minority Affairs, was also killed for supporting her and demanding changes in the controversial blasphemy laws, which Christians consider the root cause of their persecution. CLAAS PK Director, Joseph Francis, MBE, said that Asias case is fully supported by CLAAS and that he is hopeful that if there is no pressure on the judges by the extremists and the case is handled with care, consideration, and due diligence with the judges being left free to take their decision, her conviction will be overturned. Nasir Saeed said that it is not going to be easy for the judges as it is a very high profile case and the whole world will be watching. He added: I pray that God will fill the hearts of the judges with boldness and courage and not allow fear to rule. I also hope that they follow the international norms and keep only justice in the forefront when reaching a decision. Saeed has also requested the worldwide Church of Jesus Christ to unite and remember the judges and lawyers in their prayers, asking that justice is done.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:32:28 +0000

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