CALLING ALL CATHOLICS.... With a stabbing in Virgina, slug - TopicsExpress


CALLING ALL CATHOLICS.... With a stabbing in Virgina, slug matches throughout the USA even in Spain, tasers in Philidelphia (youtube/watch?v=F1k9_pjfkPQ), pepper spray in Texas the world witnessed madness on Black Friday. All of these incidents occurred in a mall or in the parking lot. With an increase in consumerism crime what did Walmart conclude? The most successful Black Friday in our history. I guess that means the exploited slave labor in developing nations also will see more rewards and higher pays? Well, wait, no. I dont think so because that would dip into the profits of rich Americans. I mean, what are the laborers gonna do? Unionize? HA! That would be crushed and never see the light of news. At least we have one international long-standing institution fighting back: The Catholic Church. The new pope, Pope Francis has decried our holiday focus saying Resist capitalism and excessive materialism. Furthermore he says what no one is saying: trickle down economics has never been confirmed by the facts, [it] expresses a crude and naive trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacra­lized workings of the prevailing economic system.” (washingtonpost/business/economy/pope-francis-denounces-trickle-down-economic-theories-in-critique-of-inequality/2013/11/26/e17ffe4e-56b6-11e3-8304-caf30787c0a9_story.html) Unfortunately in years prior similar statements have had little impact...the last pope also called for us to shun excessive materialism at Christmas time way back in 2007! (reuters/article/2007/12/09/us-pope-christmas-idUSL0964002020071209) So Im CALLING ALL CATHOLICS Catholics to affirm Franciss doctrine and join us in defending justice and freedom for the poor. Reach out to our fellow women with open arms and tithe not a dime to excessive consumerism and branding capitalism. Consume Less. Love All.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 19:45:46 +0000

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