CALM RETURNS TO KISORO. WHAT REALLLLY HAPPENED? Relative calm seems to have returned to Kisoro following afew weeks of very high tension, that some thought was going to end in destruction. The recent past saw the disagreement between the District Chairman, Milton Bazanye and former District council speaker Amos Hakizimana, and their supporters or proxies, come to a peak. The efforts to abort the censure motion failed and the speaker was censured One would be forgiven to think that Kisoro was a replica of Kampala as the Chief administrative Officer, Mr. Asuman Masereka, refused to receive the court petition intending to halt the council sittiing. There was fracas almost disintegrating into fights saved by the RDC and DPC. But what really happened? Sources informed Kisoro FM that alot of the success in the censure proceedings seemed to have been helped by the ever increasing in influence, Hon. Kwizera wa Gahungu, pulling strings in Kampala. Hon. Kwizera had called for a meeting of councillors on the same day the previous aborted council meeting took place. He had intended to try and see how to heal the divide, but this effort failed as the former speaker had called for a council session on the same day. Kwizera was forced to call off his. The censured speaker comes from Bufumbira East, the same constituency Hon. Kwizera represents, and rumor has it, that come 2016, he may be intending to offer himself Source say this is a matter not taken lightly by Hon. Kwizera, as the star of the speaker, was steadily rising, and with all those big money gurus(Garuga, Mulenga, Mateke etc) all on Amoss side, this would have proved a thorn in the flesh come 2016. so something had to be done to trim his ascent On the other hand Hon. Kwizera is increasingly becoming influential in government circles, being the lead counsel on the most powerful parliamentary committee, the Public accounts committe(PAC). No Minister, Permanent secretary or head of a government body would want to be in his bad books It is reported, the conflict was reported to the Prime Minister, and the mentioning of the name Garuga(the PMs nemesis in Kanungu), and an FDC supporter(though quiet) he was only bound to give a keen ear. Is Garuga trying to cause division in the once cohesive NRM stronghold? With this, seems the speakers fate was sealed. On the other hand, the speakers major supporters are business men who just want to make and multiply their wealth. Prolonged conflict is not in their interest, not to mention endless court battles. Compromise was in the wind. What about an acceptable candidate? In comes Expedito Byensi, himself a seasoned business man, and one of the most senior councillors in the current council. Besides, he was largely neutral during the conflicts, and a very shrewd player. All groups found him acceptable. Why then prolong the battles? In an interesting change of events, the Prime Minister is expected to be Guest of Honor on the National celebrations of International Disability day, to be celebrated in Kisoro on 3rd December. Till afew days ago, the Minister of Gender, Mary Karooro Okurut was expected to be the Guest of Honor. It is believed the PM will be here to in addition to the day, clear out the rest of the issues NRM cannot afford to lose Kisoros block vote because of afew easily solvable matters The former speaker will likely get a compensation for the troubles and the chapter will be closed. Whatever the case may be, peace is always the best recipe for development especially now that the Congo boarders are open and business has started to pick up.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 22:00:31 +0000

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