CAN I QUIT NOW? VALUES DONT MATTER WHEN PPL VALUE MONEY ABOVE VALUES! #1 My attorney files my divorce under the wrong name: uses my middle name and adds a hyphen. Had to convince clerks office I really did file for divorce! #2 First hearing my attorney concedes to everything and I end up with $400 less than their original offer but an atty bill more than what I recieved. #3 Second hearing was scheduled for 11:15 AM but Atty. Busy with, go figure, a friend from church divorce. Takes over an hour of waiting before atty even acknowledges my presence. Billed for 1.75 hours ($325) for 15 actual minutes of his time! (Plus $100s to prepare for the 15 minutes) #4 notify atty that dan has not paid utilities, cable, credit cards, ect in 4 months or longer and prior hearing he was ordered to pay these bills within 7 days. However, I had to notify atty NOTHING WAS PAID 21 days later! Order was worthless because he still has not paid a dime and court still has done nothing. (But he came walking into my house today with a new pair of $150 shoes!) #5 My atty notifies me that new court order states that on April 1 I am responsible for credit cards....oops, their was slight oversight, Dan wasnt ordered to pay them in first court order. (Costs me $118 to learn Im screwed) #5 I request a meeting to discuss these matters as I am nearing breakdown. Im charged $25 for requesting & being emailed childsupport worksheet (days later). #6 I request copies of subpoenas and letter my atty prepared and sent to banks atty and pension office.....OUTCOME: Im told that if his office had to give clients copies of everything they prepared he wouldnt have time for more than one client. He also feels I have lost confidence in his office (lets start with #1 on the list...hes lucky I lasted this long) so he is withdrawing as my atty. Refunding $883 of my $2300. I never did get any proof the documents he charged me for even existed. Also found out he requested my husbands atty to take care of pension issue which could be why he had nothing to show me. IDK. Wes Simpson your atty sucks butt! Lol Dont get me wrong, he seems like a wonderful man very kind, but I explained to him from the get go what my concerns where and how mentally tasking this was. Starting off filing wrong name isnt a huge confidence builder! My first husband was pro se and spent about 5 years putting me thru hell and I still concider it the worst period of my entire life. Divorce stinks enough without having to go thru addition bull!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 05:12:01 +0000

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