CAN LAODICEA FALL? THE 1888 CONFERENCE: The Message Christ Our - TopicsExpress


CAN LAODICEA FALL? THE 1888 CONFERENCE: The Message Christ Our Righteousness As presented by Elders Waggoner and Jones and recorded by Elder Nash, who attended the Minneapolis Conference in 1888. Mrs. E.G. White from California was present, also Dr. E.J. Waggoner and Elder Alonzo T. Jones from California were there. It fell to the lot of Jones and Waggoner to conduct each morning the consecration services of the conference. They taught us in the most kind and simple way that Jesus the Lamb of God took upon Himself all our burden of sin and gave His life for us. That He paid the whole debt and set us free. That He took all our sins and in exchange gave us His Righteousness. That He took our filthy robes and gave us His White robe, Righteousness, in its place. What a wonderful exchange!... When Christ was lifted up as the only hope of the church and all men, they met with unlimited opposition by nearly all of the senior ministers. They tried to stop the messengers from further presentations or discussion of Righteousness by Faith, and when Mrs. E.G. White told them Gods Providence had led Elders Jones and Waggoner to cry aloud on the subject, the opposition selected a man to speak their minds in opposition. Elder J.H. Morrison was their spokesman. It was arranged that Elders Jones and Waggoner should reply. Elder Morrisons discourse was clearcut on the two covenants covering the apostle Pauls allegory of the bond woman and the free -Ishmael and Isaac representing the people of the old covenant and the new covenant. Sarah, the freewoman demanded, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac. Genesis 21:10. So Abraham obeyed and Hagar departed and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba. Elder Morrison claimed that we had always believed in Justification by Faith and were children of the free woman. He taught that the subject had been overstressed at the conference and seemed to be fearful that the law might lose the important place that belonged to it. Mrs. E.G. White says, As a people we have preached the law until we are as dry as the hills of Gilboa that had neither dew nor rain. We must preach CHRIST in the law, and there will be sap and nourishment in the preaching that will be food to the famishing flock of God. We must not trust in our merits at all, but in the merits of JESUS of Nazareth. -A.G. Daniells, Christ Our Righteousness, p. 64. When Elders Jones and Waggoner came to reply to their opponents, they stood side by side with open Bibles. Dr. Waggoner began reading Jeremiah 23:5-7. Elder Jones read Ephesians 2:4-8. Dr. Waggoner read Galatians 2:16-21. Elder Jones read Romans 11:1-33. Dr. Waggoner read Romans 1:14-17. Elder Jones read Romans 2:12-29. Doctor Waggoner read Galatians 3 entire. Elder Jones read Romans 3 entire. Doctor Waggoner read Galatians 5:1-6. Elder Jones read Romans 9:7-33. Doctor Waggoner read Galatians 2 entire. Elder Jones read Romans 4:1-11. Doctor Waggoner read Romans 5 entire. Elder Jones read Romans 4:13-25. Doctor Waggoner read Romans 6 entire. Elder Jones read Romans 1:15-17. Doctor Waggoner read Romans 8:14-39. Elder Jones read 1John 5:1-4. This was their answer; without a word of comment, they took their seats. For the entire time of the reading there was hushed stillness over the vast assembly. This made an everlasting impression upon the writer that time can never efface.... The church at Minneapolis was small for so large a delegation and was usually crowded. On one occasion the writer was standing by the side of Elder R.M. Kilgore in an isle of the church at the opening of a consecration meeting. Elder Kilgore asked for recognition. When recognized, he said: To the delegates assembled at this conference I want to say a few words that I think are of the utmost importance at this time. As some of you know, Elder George I. Butler is detained at Battle Creek on account of his sick wife and cannot be here until later on, and I would like to move that we stop this discussion on the subject of Righteousness by Faith until the president of the General Conference can be present Mrs. E.G. White, who had been seated on the platform, arose to her feet and when recognized said: Brethren, this is the Lords work. Does the Lord want His work to wait for Elder Butler? The Lord wants His work to go forward and not wait for any man. There was no reply to what she said. Elders Jones and Waggoner went on with their message.... From Mrs. E.G. Whites attitude and words, she stood 100% behind Elders Waggoner and Jones in presenting Gods message at the Minneapolis Conference.... At the Minneapolis Conference is where this opposition began. For one, the writer sincerely prays and hopes that this opposition may so cease and turn about face and so labor under the Holy Spirits dictation, that the light of that other angel may soon cover the whole earth. Revelation 18:1,2. Next post: EVENTS FOLLOWING 1888. If you are interested in this study, give me your email address and whatsapp line at +254735454182.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 17:19:45 +0000

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