CAPITAL ‘G’ FOR GOD AND SMALL‘s’ FOR SATAN REVISED. Id urge those who had read this and asked questions to start reading from where i have placed a ★The reason Capital G is used for God is because its a Name or a title. Its not really about Respect but just an English Rule for Nouns. All nouns for names, Places , Months, Weeks, Organizations, buildings, monuments, titles (God), Course names, Historical periods, Languages, Nationalities, Brand names, and the list goes on and on all uses the Capital rule for Proper Nouns.Literature is just a mere invention of man. Youre not supposed to hang on such small details about things that are not really important. Does using small G for God make me talk about another God? Does it make Him any lesser? Does my perspective about God Change? Do you think God cares about little stuff like that? Should i start using small K for my name because am lesser than God? If using capital G was important, my name should begin with a small letter. So, no matter how i write it, am just referring to the same God and i do respect Him.I too follow these English rules. Not as a form of respect but for discerning. Respect does not come with placing Man, Satan and God in the Upper Case. I say this why; because all the names for people, the name God and the name Satan are all written in Capital Letters even in the bible. Not because God ordered so but because Literature said so. Does that make the three equal? Of course not!Open your bible and read 1Chronicles 21:1. Does the name Satan start with a small letter? Of course not! Is it because he is all powerful and deserve my respect? Of course not! But why does the bible use Capital S for Satan in the middle of a sentence? Simple, because it is following the English rule for Proper Nouns.Just to be clear, the bible was originally written in Arabic and Aramaic. These two languages use a different form of literature. There was no such thing like Capital letters. ★A Person may tend to argue that the bible uses the name “gods” with a small “g” to refer to lesser gods or idols. But is gods a title? Of course not! If gods were a title, then “books” ought to be a title too. The word gods is not a proper noun. It’s just a common noun.Also, there is another rule, in grouping proper nouns into collective nouns; the proper noun loses capitalization. It is as using the word City to refer to a big town and the word cities to refer to many towns in general. When I change something that has a capital letter from Singular to plural, the Capitalization tends to be lost. And this is because names that are always capitalized don’t have a plural. I.e. when I’m talking about Kelvin, i use a capital letter, when i talk about kelvins, i use a small letter. Its just a matter of English rules.The issue here is not using small ‘G’ for God; it is using capital S for Satan. Is the bible wrong to use capital S for Satan? Of course not!It’s not really a matter of Respect. Because I also use my name in capital, which is also an English rule, where do I place God? In the same rank as me? Of course not!DOES GOD REALLY CARE ABOUT CAPITALIZATION?
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 09:51:44 +0000

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