CAPSTONE 03-10-14 We had a great time in fellowship and for - TopicsExpress


CAPSTONE 03-10-14 We had a great time in fellowship and for those that missed it here are notes. Capstone 03-10-14 Discipleship is the key to bring change to yourself and the environment around you. Matthew 5:14-16 (ESV) stated, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a strand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” In just three months in 2014 there have been three police suicides throughout the country. That is three to many. 1) January 17, 2014. Spanish Forks, Utah at the Lindon PD. 34 year old Joshua Boren killed his family; his wife 32 year old Kelly Boren, 7 year old Joshua, 5 year old Haley, and 55 year old mother in law Marie King. Was a sheriff for 7 years and PD for 3 months. PD said no red flags. However it was said he had a rocky marriage. 2) February 26, 2014. Crandall PD / Suburb of Dallas. Sgt. Nick Pitofsky killed himself and his wife Vanessa. Two years on the force. No red flags. 3) March 11, 2014. Fargo North Dakota at Fargo PD. Jeff Skuza a 23 year veteran killed himself leaving behind a wife and two teenage children. No red flags. This is unacceptable. These agencies are about the same size as our PD. I find it hard to believe that there was not one Christian person in those agencies that could have been a light in their dark worlds and save some lives. We run code three to shots fired and we run code three to a code 10 call but we do not run code three to officers in distress in their personal lives. We would rather cut them down in the patrol room or locker room to get a good laugh. I am not saying that I am perfect because I have done this in the past. I was downright vicious at times and I am so disgusted with myself for that. Just like Matthew (Matthew 9:9) was a hated tax collector but started to follow Jesus and left that behind him. I have also left that life behind me to follow Jesus. Every Christian person should have left their old life behind them to follow Jesus. Unfortunately, we are humans and have time of relapsing. That is where our brothers and sisters in Christ come in and get us back on track. For instance, during overlap training I started to poke fun at another officer in front of the “a-side” team. Everybody was laughing and I thought I was pretty cool. Troy Stembel was sitting next to me and whispered in my ear, “Is that the example you want to set for yourself? Is that what Jesus wants you to do?” Those words were a huge hit in the gut. This is what we need to do with each other. We need to help each other when we start to get off track. When sitting in the patrol room and somebody starts cutting down an employee; as a Christian person it is our duty to stand up and be a voice or “a light for darkness” and let them know that is unacceptable and needs to stop. As in Proverbs 18:2 it states, “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding but only in expressing his opinion.” If we don’t stand up nobody will and we or that person will be isolated. Proverbs 18:1 states, “Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment.” Seven years working at the PD I have been waiting for this type of philosophy to come from the top down but I do not see that occurring. Therefore, it has to start with us. We have to be bold like the apostles after Jesus was crucified. We have to stand up for our fellow brothers and sisters. Our job is hard enough, let’s not make it harder. Let’s be a light in their darkness and in turn we can grow stronger with Christ. Philippians 2:12-18 states, “Christian maturity does not come through special mystical insights available to only a few, but rather through the patient practice of the familiar virtues of love and service to others.” If you know of somebody that is hurting lets rally around them and help them out. That somebody feels they are on an island isolated from everybody. Let’s not just bring a rubber raft to save them. Let’s bring a cruise ship to get them off that island. Therefore, I challenge you “Men of God.” Stand up for what is right, not just in the CRS, but stand up for what is right Biblically. It may be tough to begin with but we can change the PD for good and eventually be a light of hope for those that really need it. God Bless and stay strong in your faith Todd West Follower of Christ
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 18:47:43 +0000

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