CARDS TURNED OVER FROM EARLIER POST **THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES** CARD 1 - Rainbow Wings.. A rainbow is the aura of an angels wings and shines even in the midst of storms.. it lifts the spirit and gives us hope for rainbows shine light into our hearts. This card comes forth to say to you, to awaken the child within you and remind yourself of the beautiful and simple things in life.. this card is saying that angels are confirming that you are on the right path. They ask you to keep focused now, on your dreams and to honour your inner child by doing more of that which brings joy to your life.. even though you may be experiencing some setbacks, you are urged to continue to follow your heart. Do not give up hope.. for all will soon fall into place.. Now i want you to go and draw a picture of a rainbow and pin it to your wall. Imagine yourself protected and guided by your rainbow.. ask your angels to light your path and to guide you in all you do. Sit quietly and imagine yourself surrounded and infused with the beautiful healing colours of your rainbow, for its healing vibrations will inspire you to pursue your dreams. Your so very loved.. feel this love surround you on the wings of your angels when they are by your side. CARD 2 - Meditation.. In prayer we speak and God listens.. In meditation God answers. This card comes forth to you today to help you to feel life from a spiritual perspective, i want you to sit quietly and empty your mind of all thoughts and concerns.. relax your body and bring your awareness to your breath. Gently observe and follow the breath and as you breathe in, feel yourself detach from the external world of your thoughts.. allow your awareness to move to a world of light that exists within you. Be fully aware of your body and fully present within each moment and as you breathe out release any tension you hold and feel yourself relax as you become one with the universal spirit of creation. Know that there is no seperation, the life force that breathes through you, breathes through all of creation. As you practice the art of meditation it is then you will discover that the spirit of creation has a voice.. know that this voice can be a feeling that swells inside your heart or even a thought that drifts through your mind. Know that it can come as an image also or as a stream of light or even as midnight blue on a starry night. This my friend can be spirit.. a loved one drawing near.. even a guide and the sense of peace and relaxation you will experience through meditating is so worth it. Its now time for you to try it more. CARD 3 - Lady Of The Rose.. Like many, you may have been led to believe that in order to gain knowledge you must study and follow existing formulas.. doctrines and beliefs. While studying is undoubtly a rich and rewarding experience, it is also true that all you need to know is right inside you. Your process may be impeded at present because you adhering to formality and theory, know that you do not need further formal qualifications in order to succeed or validate that which you truly desire to be in life.. know that the wisdom you need is already INSIDE you.. It is a vast treasure of knowledge waiting to be tapped.. it is now time to consult your inner wisdom and reclaim your power for The Lady of the Rose is here to help you access the vast pools of knowledge you hold in your heart. I will pass on this for you to do my lovely.. Sit quietly and comfortably and let all your thoughts and wordly concerns just drift by, watch them float away and let go of any expectations you have.. simply relax and breathe for the more you can switch off and relax, the easier it will be to connect with your inner wisdom. Knowledge may come through feeling or inituition or it may come as words that float through your mind. Remember.. the secret is not to make this process a struggle but to use it as relaxation without attachment to the outcome. Take what you know from within yourself.. go with it. CARD 4 - Wisdom.. You are a wise and beautiful old soul.. this card confirms that you have taken the right course of action or have responded in a just way in a recent matter. Sometimes, my lovely the best thing for all concerned is to just have the strength to say no.. Your recent response will serve to empower you and everyone else involved. Know sweetheart, that to have wisdom is to stand in your own truth with love and respect in your heart for yourself.. all humanity, the Earth and all living things. Allow yourself to be flexible, like the willow that sways with the wind yet remains strongly rooted in the earth.. Know that life is constantly changing around you, yet your core essence remains the same. Love and wisdom do not change.. they only grow stronger. Continue to live and respond to all in your life through love and truth.. for in doing so, you honour the spirit of all living things. It can be so very hard to say no especially when some have that power lets say with just a look or an action/touch that will turn that no into a yes. Stand your ground.. be strong. CARD 5 - Compassion.. You are a jewel.. even though you may not see it, all that you consider to be imperfect allows greater light to shine through.. even in the darkness you are eternally bright. Kuan Yin, known in Buddhism as the goddess of compassion and mercy has come forth to ask you to be more compassionate towards yourself.. she asks you to reflect on the many times you have critical thoughts about yourself.. make an effort to replace those negative thoughts with positive and loving ones sweetheart. Your spirit lives always in perfection, even though from the physical plane you may perceive that you are less than perfect.. perfection exists in all things, even though we may not always see it my lovely.. know that all is perfect and all is sacred.. look in the mirror, dont see the outer shell, look within to the heart.. the soul and see your inner angel shine through. Love yourself, and your angel. CARD 6 - Dreaming Landscape.. This card comes to you to help you remember the importance of spending time in Nature and connecting with Natures healing qualities.. Allow the sunlight and breeze to caress your face.. observe the sense of timelessness that is felt when surrounded by Nature.. all in perfect order.. all in perfect union. You need to spend some time alone and to allow your mind to be cleared of all thoughts and concerns, to sit in silence and just listen to the breeze, feel the sway of the trees and hear the birds sing.. to feel the warmth of the sun. Perhaps you have lost your perspective on life.. forgotten what is truly important.. remember my lovely when we pass from this world you take nothing but your soul.. allow yourself to be filled with the magic and healing of Nature. This is a time of inspiration.. healing and wonder, anything that you put your heart and mind into at this time will succeed. Get out there and breathe in that beautiful fresh air, just walk somewhere for a change and take it all in.. Mother Earth will heal your heart and lift your spirits always. CARD 7 - Golden Memories - This card comes forth to help ease your fears and your concerns about your future and the future of our planet.. All that is occuring in your life and in the world around you is happening for a positive reason.. know that there is a higher purpose to all the events in life. I want you to visualize peace and love in your meditations and your prayers, one must have faith even though at times you can make no sense of what is happening, please trust in the healing power of love for it is only through love that peace will ever be possible. The doom and gloom that exists in our world at present is part of humanitys cleansing.. as all the hatred and the fear in the world surfaces know that it is released and transformed. We are continuously presented with opportunities to heal.. know that you are safe and forever held within loves embrace, part of one Eternal Spirit and this can never ever be destroyed. All is eternally held in the loving hands of God/Goddess/All That Is.. the current storm will clear and reveal the light that exists within each heart and you can be of great assistance to those around you at this time by showing faith and remaining positive about the future of our planet. One word.. Love. And it all begins with us.. the future.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 16:53:09 +0000

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