CAST AWAY THE PF DEMON OF FEAR, NEVERS MUMBA TELLS CIVIL SERVANTS MMD President Nevers Mumba has concluded the tour of Central Province with a call to civil servants to ‘cast away the demon of fear’ that has gripped them since the Patriotic Front took over office in 2011. And the opposition leader has called on Zambians to stop being amused at the wrong things obtaining in the country because they will one day wake up to a rude shock as the current administration will stop at nothing in order to maintain power. Dr. Mumba who started the tour of the province from Mkushi and was accompanied by Provincial Chairperson Sydney Chisenga, Provincial Chairlady Idah Ngoma and later joined by National Youth Chairman Howard Kunda observed that civil servants are so afraid of PF leaders. He said it is regrettable that civil servants are scared of PF officials when the opposite should be the case as the PF was elected into office by people hence they should be afraid of them. Dr Mumba said the level of fear in Zambia is shocking as almost the entire nation seems to be afraid of President Sata and his Government as if they are not the ones who elected them into office. He observed that the opposition needs to deal with the current situation expeditiously and protect their existence in the country. “Through you I want to confirm that there is a spirit of what we call in Church as a demon in the country which is the demon of fear that has entered the civil service, it’s a demon of fear that we have never had in this country since independence. The only time we used to have it was towards the end of the rule of UNIP but now the fear by those people that work in the offices is the fear of death because they are scared of losing their jobs. It is a demon of fear that we must deal with as political parties,” Dr Mumba said. He added, “When you are dealing with a demon, what do you do? You cast it out and when you want to cast a demon, you don’t run but you deal with it face to face. This spirit of fear that has engrossed Zambians which has made people scared of President Sata and the PF is a demon that must be cast out now.” Dr Mumba continued, “I have dealt with a lot of demons in my life, demons of snakes, demons of lions and even this demon that is in government will be cast out,” Dr. Mumba said as he addressed officials from Kapiri district who had struggled with police to be given a permit to have an indoor meeting. He reiterated that the Police is not the enemy of the people but that the politicians in Government are the ones who do not want their failures to exposed to the public and would want to hang on to power using undemocratic means. Dr Mumba warned that the demise of the opposition in Zambia is inevitable if the opposition does not take the bull by its horns and demand that the PF gives them back their liberties. He added that the ruling party is feeding on the fear of the civil servants and the general public hence the need for opposition leaders to be more fearless as they are the people who should speak for the suffering masses in the country. “What we need in our party are leaders who are fearless , leaders who are strong and not afraid of the police because where we have reached, Mr. Sata and his Government won’t be giving us permits, as am speaking to you we have cancelled a rally in Kabwe because they refused to give us a permit.” He added, “What the PF want is for them to be campaigning and us not campaigning when elections come we find our committees have only six or five members because we don’t meet but it will not happen under my watch as MMD leader if they want to kill us for fighting for our liberties and freedoms let them do that.” Dr Mumba said he personally does not have a problem with the police. “The police are facing serious problems. They are heavily under paid, poorly dressed, their equipment is insufficient and yet they are the ones being used to fight us, the people trying to help them, they are our people but they are tied by the current regime who are using them as tools.” Dr. Mumba has urged Zambians to stop being spectators in the running of the country’s affairs as it belongs to them. The MMD leader who was on a fact finding mission as well as reorganizing the party in the Province visited several constituencies including Chitambo where he had time to pray for the sick at one of the oldest health institutions in the country and a hospital he said was dear to him because it was his birth place, Chitambo Mission Hospital. Dr. Mumba also visited Muchinga, Mkushi North and South, Kapiri and completed his tour with Kabwe where the trip was supposed to culminate into a public rally but the police denied them a permit forcing the MMD leader to resort to an indoor meeting with his party officials.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 10:04:32 +0000

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