CATHOLIC PUSHES SUNDAY LAW IN POLAND The conference in the - TopicsExpress


CATHOLIC PUSHES SUNDAY LAW IN POLAND The conference in the Parliament about the need for a free Sunday Date of publication: 2013-10-25 17:00 Date updated: 2013-10-25 5:32:00 p.m. The conference in the Parliament about the need for a free Sunday - As believers we can not be indifferent to the fact that employers prevent participation in religious workers, especially in large industrial centers - says Mr Henry Kowalczyk, secretary of the parliamentary group of members and supporters of the Light-Life Movement, Catholic Action and the Association of Catholic Families. Today in Parliament held a conference Fri Free Sunday. Representatives of the Catholic discussed include about how important for the healthy functioning of families is free Sunday, presented the arguments in favor of legal protection that day. Member presented the text of the common position of conference participants. The promoters of Free Sunday link in the economic aspects, economic, they say the good Polish family. Bring the opponents of the ban on Sunday trading and economic arguments. Mr Kowalczyk called trade studies carried out during the weekend, including this years Epiphany. According to the sales data on Friday and Saturday, 4 and 5 January this year, a total was higher than a year ago on 4, 5 and 6 January. - This shows that economic growth does not depend on how many days you are selling, but the level of consumption, and this increases with days off from work. So completely incomprehensible are the economic arguments that say that when you enter a free Sunday will increase unemployment and decrease economic growth - explained Kowalczyk. Crochet Hanna, president of the national Institute of Catholic Action emphasized that the free Sunday is an important topic to which opponents of Sunday trading will come back until you reach the end. - For us believers, this is very important because the Third Commandment obliges us to celebrate Sunday - said. - Most of the people employed in the trade are those who believe that being forced to work not in accordance with their conscience obey the commandments - Crochet said. - We realize that not everyone is a believer and not for all the Ten Commandments is important. Thats why we pay attention also to the social aspect of this issue - she added. President of Catholic Action indicated that about one million people in our country are employed in the trade, the majority of which are women, which can not therefore spend the day with family. - Putting another day in return is not an option that we could accept. On the other spouse is at work, children at school, and certainly does not serve to strengthen family ties - Crochet emphasized at the conference. Free Sunday wish the members of the National Section of Trade Workers Trade Union Solidarity. Alfred Bujara, President of the Section, said that they have a moral obligation to talk about it because its Solidarity was fighting for democracy and the free market. - We do not want this krwiopijczego free market capitalism without a human face, and he now looks like this. Free Sunday is nothing but the improvement of working conditions. I am confident that it will succeed, we will have a free Sunday - said Bujara. The promotion of Sunday as a day off work for many years actively involved in Light-Life Movement, including by carried out in 2006, a nationwide campaign Celebrate Sunday. Miroslaw reminded of her home church Chmielewicz representing the Light-Life Movement. - We want to recover Sunday, because it is the right of every human being, regardless of beliefs. We think of the children who have to celebrate without one or both parents - said Chmielewicz. The significance of Sunday, more than two years like Social Movement celebration of Sunday. - We try to show how important it is Sunday. We will do everything so that Sunday was the first holy day of the week, just as it is in Gods plan - gave Fr. Boguslaw Wolanski. The parliament has already hit the project of formulating ban on Sunday trading. Was signed by members of different political parties. Todays conference was attended by Members of the Parliamentary Group and the Friends of Light-Life Movement, Catholic Action and the Association of Catholic Families, Catholic Action in Poland, Solidarity, Light-Life Movement and Social Movement Legnica celebration of Sunday.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 17:46:57 +0000

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