CAUSE RESURGENCE BASED ON RESEARCH IN AN AREA OF THE TRACK THAT PREDATES THIS CURRENT PLANET BY COUNTLESS MILLENNIA…AN OT WHOLE TRACK OBJECTIVE PROCESS LIKE NO OTHER. CAUSE RESURGENCE RUNDOWN SUCCESS STORY “The use of “Cause” and “Resurgence” in the same sentence seems to have been no accident. “Cause – true cause is never an accident. I realized CAUSE happens only if someone makes it happen. “But what exactly is a resurgence, anyway? “The dictionary says it is: ‘An increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence: a renewal, a revival, a recovery, a comeback, a reawakening, a resurrection, a reappearance, a reemergence, a regeneration, a resumption, and a renaissance.’ “Well, that sure explains what happened to me on this rundown. “On the Cause Resurgence Rundown. what I experienced was a renewal of my cause. “I learned firsthand how this rundown is the pinnacle of simplicity in moving me closer to knowing and willing cause. It is not that I didn’t already know I am cause, but I’ve never had it more clearly demonstrated to me in a safe and gentle fashion. “In the back of my mind, I “knew” cause could end up being bad cause – so there was some degree of hesitation on my part in really being willing cause - but not any longer. “The reawakening for me was seeing I am not a created thing - I am the creator of things. I see now that things are created best when they are created in present time. I discovered how I was “creating the past,” a past I was still being the effect of and sadly – it was all on automatic. A subtle but powerful part of this rundown was my re-acquaintance with present time. “The renaissance for me is seeing so clearly that I am not a body. I have a body, in fact I have a lot of things, but now I know I’m not what I have. “The Cause Resurgence Rundown helped me revive my ability to differentiate, leaving me with a greater enthusiasm and zest for living. “On this rundown, I observed MEST is in motion and while I was observing that, I cognited I don’t move - I create the motion. I can start it, make it continue and stop it. My cognition continued: motion only occurs if someone causes it. I saw how others create it, how I create it, and how it can be co-created. The ability to cause motion is a fundamental to everything I’ve done that has been successful – and this rundown helped me achieve a reappearance of this ability. “On the Cause Resurgence Rundown, I experienced a recovery of certainty that I am a thetan with the ability to consider – decide – look – reach – withdraw – intend – postulate – and perceive. Simple words, but on a spiritual level, and especially on this rundown, extremely meaningful and soothing for me. “Thanks to the Cause Resurgence Rundown I have an increased reach for other beings. By operating from my own viewpoint I’ve become a more valuable resource for others. My flows have become enhanced thanks to the removal of ridges, stuck attention and trauma – attention that was held in the past is now free – free to use as I choose. “My body is calmer, quieter, more obedient and compliant. For some magical reason, the body is now providing an absence of back flash and counter-intention and for the first time it seems like the two of us are on the same team – playing to win the game of life. I have reemerged. “What a marvelous gift provided to me by the Cause Resurgence delivery team – each one a master of their craft, who along with the rest of the FSO staff, made my success possible. “My deepest respect and thanks goes to COB and RTC for all the work and persistence it took to make this a reality. Now that the Scientology technology has arrived in such pristine purity, LRH’s legacy has been preserved for all time. It only makes sense that the best tech would have the best leadership, which I am 100% certain is the case. “And for LRH, what genius, what insight, what a friend – thank you so much for all you’ve done for myself, my family, all my friends, this remarkable group and the rest of Mankind.” –D.J. The requirements to do Cause Resurgence are a complete Purif and Survival Rundown. It takes 2 to 4 weeks and the cost is $2500 to result! Let me know if you have any questions on what you would need to do to be set up for this rundown. I want to help you get there so please call me or write anytime for anything. Love, Barbara Dews Flag Service Consultant (323) 872-3585 “Scientology AUDITING and STUDY are the road to ABILITY and FREEDOM.” -LRH, HCOB 5 April 1969
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 09:30:47 +0000

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