CD REVIEWS - New Boy A more direct three-track single follow - TopicsExpress


CD REVIEWS - New Boy A more direct three-track single follow up to 1996s Riftwood from Sydneys wonderfully inspired and clever modern metal enthusiasts, Christ Art Museum. An occasionally poetic merging of Tool, Alice in Chains, Mantissa and even touches of Stone Temple Pilots, the band have once again delivered an innovative example of some of the more interesting Australian metal musings. If the solid, idea-laden, artistic, heavy-as-a-ton-of-bricks-dropped-in-slow-motion beats sound familiar, its because the man behind the kit is none other than the masterful ex Mantissa/Killing Time pounder, Syd Green. This well released, fantastically produced mini-collection (no bad tracks) really points to a major happening - this is a band to watch. Keep yur ears open for an album nearer to the end of the year. Fabulous. 9 out of 10. Rip It Up - July 99 ------------------------------- Dont let the name put you off - there is some great talent in the making here. Its Alice in Chains meets the Stone Temple Pilots and it means some outstanding music. This is Christ Art Museums long overdue follow up single to the 1996 debut Riftwood, and some creative studio editing means an interesting listen. You may lose some of the full effect of this single if you dont have surround sound on your stereo - there are some breathtaking effects in New Boy - but even without, this is still a good listen. Its rough edged, heavy rock, blended with a deep and meaningful voice. 7 out of 10. Georgina Wells, Northern Star - July 99 ------------------------------- Christ Art Museum, a four-piece hard rock core outfit from Sydneys North with a moniker that doesnt give much away as far as what theyre about. They have been with us for not a short while and the few times the name has popped up the mystery remained - who are they? What do they do? Where are they headed? Those of us on this side of the fence will have all doubt removed by the new single New Boy on Phantom Records. Singles today tend to be a wide selection from artists who might release one or two tracks of a different ilk and then add a completely different remix for the helluvit. With a sound akin to Soundgarden here, Horsehead there, a little Tool and a touch of Korn, the seriously melancholic pace set by the three tracks on New Boy sets answers all questions previously raised about CAM. With thanks to support from the hip TV shows and doubtless addition to both the metal/rock shows and the request programmes, more people will soon know the name and have fewer questions about the band. The already-anticipated album will also garner more support from record-buying and gig-going punters on the strength of this release as well. CAM New Boy single on Phantom Records - some serious shit (in the nicest possible way!). 4 out of 5 PG (Jacky) Gleeson ------------------------------- Its been a few years since we heard from Christ Art Museum, but the boys have been anything but quiet. Currently holed up in the studio for a late 99 album release, theyve decided to tease us with this three track single of melodic nineties rock. Whereas most other bands have decided to ditch their Alice in Chains influence for a more updated Marilyn Manson one, CAM thought it more beneficial to take the AIC sound and do what those Seatlle druggers couldnt - make it interesting. The feature track displays some technological backdrop which elevates the bass/guitar/drums section to a higher plane while the vocals soar above but not beyond the musical artistry. Track 2 is a remix of sorts of Apple Core - originall found on their Riftwood EP of 96. Though, where most remixes simply add a dance beat and splice the vocals to repeat itself many times, the remix on offer here is more a re-working with various added effects and machine noises rumbling in the background. Finally we have another track, Coalface. Again the early nineties influence is obvious, but also again they take that influence and rearrange it to near unidentifiable proportions. Warren Wheeler, Tertangala, Wollongong Uni - June99 ------------------------------- Stong sounding three track single that manages to transcend the Scott Weiland/Eddie Vedder-esque vocals with aggressive guitars and some well thought out thumping rhythms. Its only when Christ Art Museum resort to a spoken word middle eight (as they do twice out of three here) that they take a backward step. Shane ODonohue, InPress - 30th June 1999 ------------------------------- Christ Art Museum have been crowned the mpst potentially pompous, yet shamelessly fabulous rock pig of a name. New Boy was recently launched at The Iron Duke Hotel, Sydney. Heavy rock riffs surrounded by creative editing result in an edge CAM deserve. The band could perhaps be a new Australian Soundgarden. Yeah! The album promises to be released late 99. Ulladulla Times, Rave - June 99
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 00:35:36 +0000

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