CELEBRATING FIRST LADY, PATIENCE JONATHAN ON HER 56TH BIRTHDAY Today, we celebrate our first lady, Dr.Mrs Patience Jonathan. A champion for the rights and growth of women, she has consistently played roles in women’s empowerment.Over the years, she has effectively established herself as a women’s advocate. Her outspoken personality and the strength of her convictions strive to ensure that all issues and concerns of women and the girl-child in Nigeria are given priority. Well known for her active participation in her husband’s political campaigns, the First Lady is involved with many charities in Nigeria that work mainly with women and children. She is also the founder of several non-governmental organizations such as the A.Aruera Reachout Foundation, which focuses on educating middle-aged women. In 2010, she launched the Women for Change and Development Initiative (W4CI) to help promote women’s empowerment and gender equality. It is noteworthy to mention that the First lady, Patience Jonathan has been recognized locally and nationally in the country and internationally for her philanthropic work. Recently, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) appointed Dame Patience Jonathan as ITU’s Child Online Protection (COP) Champion. Her Excellency has received wide recognition for her contributions toward advancing the cause of women in Nigeria. With several honorary degrees to her credit, Dame Jonathan received her fourth doctorate from the Hansei University , Seoul - North Korea. As she adds another year today, The Nigerian Gazette is wishing First lady, Patience Jonathan many more wonderful years ahead to celebrate.- READ IN FULL
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 22:55:39 +0000

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