CHAPTER 111 SELF CONQUEST THROUGH MORTIFICATION MY CHILD, there are times when you ought to keep to yourself and avoid conversation. There is no profit in unkind talk, rash talk, or indecent talk. What is the good of wasting time with idle disputes or with boasting? 2. True, there are times when light conversation brings needed relief and necessary recreation, but talk which does not help the speaker or the listener to live a better life, is a shameful waste of precious time, time which will never return. 3. Think before you speak, and you will never regret your words. The spoken word cannot be recalled. It is not always possible to undo the harm caused by thoughtless talk. 4. Many saints have avoided the company of men whenever possible in order to enjoy a closer union with Me. One of them once remarked: “As often as I have gone among men, I returned less a man.” Isnt this true of you when you talk too long? It is easier to keep silence altogether than to stop talking when you should. 5. In silence I shall speak to you with less interruptions. My words will come in the form of ideas, desires, intentions, and resolutions which arise within your soul. You will hear My voice with less distraction. Love silence and learn to use it well. Then will you draw closer to Me, as I am close to you. THINK: Silence is truly a virtue when practiced for God. In developing a love for silence, I will learn a deeper wisdom, a broader outlook on everyday life, and a brighter vision of Gods nearness and love. In human conversations, I will listen more and talk less, I will learn more and make fewer mistakes. People will respect my judgments more because I will think before speaking. Each time I open my mouth, I will do so for a definite purpose, a good purpose. Gods wisdom will take the place of my human folly, and my words will help those who hear me. PRAY: Dear Holy Spirit, my God, teach me to talk well and wisely. Let me avoid useless conversations. Help me to speak often for You. Grant that my words may never hurt men of good will. May my words always bring consolation to those in sorrow, guidance to those who are confused, light to the ignorant, hope to those who despair, comfort to those who are troubled, and good advice to those in need. Take my lips and make them Yours. Take possession of my mind and make it an instrument of Your goodness and a channel of Your truth. I hope to become a man of silence, that is, one who prefers to talk to God rather than to men. In my human conversations, may I always bring You closer to them and them closer to You. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 09:23:55 +0000

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