CHAPTER 4 JNANA YOGA OR THE PATH OF RENUNCIATION WITH KNOWLEDGE “ “He, who sees inaction in action and action in inaction, is wise among men; he is a yogi, who has performed all actions.” In this verse Lord Krishna delineates the intricate and subtle forms of actions. As generally assumed the word action denotes all activities of mind, intellect, senses and body; again obligations including vocational duties pertaining to one’s order in the society and those which are essential for keeping the body and soul together, which are ordained by the scriptures, when they are performed without attachment, are categorized as actions proper; and sinful actions proscribed in the scriptures are prohibited actions. So long as we work in a detached spirit our mental poise is not disturbed, we refrain from actions which are born of desire, and do our duties with a soul linked with the divine; so, true non-activity is to preserve inner composure and to be free from attachment. The perception with regard to inaction is indicative of renunciation of all activities of mind body and speech. If this renunciation is resorted to with attachment, the desire for fruits, with disregard to one’s duties or for show then this renunciation is viewed as a positive blemish, or prohibited action. When a person performing the prescribed scriptural activities resolves with conviction that the action performed is solely for the Supreme Lord and not for the one performing the action, then does realisation begin to dawn within and all actions performed by such a one are factually inaction. In action even when the body and senses are active one who realises the soul is distinct from the physical body sees these actions as inaction. The performer of actions aware of the truth of the soul observes the performance of scriptural activities naturally in action and inaction as they come of their own accord; thus being guided by the soul within and there is no possibility for such a person to perform a prohibited act. Lord Krishna praises such a person as spiritually intelligent and situated in true wisdom, for such a person is verily in communion with the Supreme Consciousness and even when this person is not performing any actions, such a person should be understood to be performing all actions and the knower of all actions. (To be continued)
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 05:09:57 +0000

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