CHECK OUT THIS FREAKY GUY! Canadian allegedly, hacking - TopicsExpress


CHECK OUT THIS FREAKY GUY! Canadian allegedly, hacking motorcycles is what his videos are about supposedly. Hacking as in modifying and re-configuring, a word also used in IT and computer engineering right? Wonder what else, the term can be used in context with? Linguistics, semantics and syntactical structure? As in auto-suggestion auto hypnosis and such, thats a bit old school though. From the age of telephony and ideas of sub sonic pulses transmitted over the phone lines that can hypnotize chickens and such Turn you into an assassin and the like right? With some subliminally implanted trigger spoken over the phone or into your ear blah blah blah. Thats Manchurian candidate territory no? If not Taxi Driver, Patty Hearst, Bank robber, sect and cults newspaper fodder territory? Newspapers are big business though, as is banking, insurance and the security sector? Wonder if therell ever be services to protect against such threats. Like protection from minute neural disruptions to impair performance? is that an external threat to begin with or inherent to the operating system and programming language youre running? Linguistics, semantics and syntactical structure again right? What about directly hacking into neural pathways and synapses to affect brain and body function? Surely weve moved ahead since the days of telephony? Maybe that can be an all purpose excuse for everything from white collar crime, to professional breech of conduct, malpractice due to human error, to extra martial affairs, to drug smuggling even, All necessary institutional activity after all. So that it becomes an ongoing effort to produce all the bad guys society needs to function right? But with how large establishments have gotten, can there ever be enough? Without first abusing and depriving them, misleading and deceiving people? And what about partial slips, that would be a great assistance too wouldt it. Given that the needs are so great these days. For regular people, when you dont know what came over you and such? For otherwise decent people So that individuals and sometimes institutions too, can practice compassion, mercy and forgiveness, and credit all that goodness to yourself? As to all the bad guys, How is that done though? Bad up bringing alone? Or a combination of nature and nurture? Economic factors surely, psychological, social? What about technological? Values and up bringing? Thats the operating system again Plus dont you think we would have discovered how to use technology to help us along those lines by now? Streamline statistics and such Every idea and thought is like a circuit with soldered points though? So that this picture that Ive just drawn up may not be helpful at all, or rather may be as helpful as it is problematic Depends how you use it, OR abuse it But if any of this is true, mindfulness would be key if you ask me, not the compressed focused attention that a formal education bashes out of you, but a general cognizants is my guess Anyway, next time your partner or spouse cheats on you, can always try to be a bit more forgiving by blaming it on those pesky invisible waves am I right? Because if he or she wasnt willing to do that, maybe no one will want to play along anymore, from the guy that has to go rob the bank, to the guy who has to catch him. Then what are all those insurance agents going to do, for a living for example? Or all those people who run around telling people that theyre going to burn in hell if they misbehave, those people are supposed to work by generating deterrent forces no? Society is a machine whose job is to crank out all the characters it needs after all https://youtube/watch?v=cdisnNAcnvU
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 09:46:57 +0000

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