CHIEF GREAT OVEDJE OGBORU AND THE ANGER OF THE PEOPLE. At the last count, Chief Great Ovedje Ogboru, the peoples’ General, as he is fondly referred to by his army of supporters, has contested five times. Yet he is aspiring to contest once again in the forthcoming 2015 elections. What does he actually want? Is he not tired of wasting his funds? Or as someone recently speculated; “Is the ruling Party, the PDP, secretly funding him to destabilize the Urhobo people for the benefit of the PDP minority aspirants?” Hmm, surely these are very strong speculations indeed. I have brooded over these puzzles myself and like everyone else, I have gotten no closer to the answers. But let us take a good look at some of the issues. Is the peoples’ General getting some funding to betray his people? I really want you to consider the implication here. This was a man who allegedly sponsored a coup to be in power and protect the interest of his people and putting his life on the line in so doing. Would he now sell his chance of getting that same power for a pot of porridge under a democratic dispensation with minimal risk? Hmm, just a thought! Yes, I read one feature article the other day by a friend, a damn good writer, Ena Ofugara. He posited that Chief Ovedje Ogboru has always run away to Lagos after each election and will only return when there is another election around the corner. Very true; I wonder why he does that myself. But considering the fact that ‘he who fights and run away, lives to fight another day, I simply think the General is being practical and realistic here. I was in Asaba when Governor Uduaghan was temporarily removed from office following the ruling of the Court of appeal. I could sense the fear and uncertainty among the rank of politicians. Is there a possibility that such a ‘trouble maker’ as the General, could simply be ‘taken care of’ by some politician just to forestall such an inconveniencing situation? Hmm, just a thought! Okay, the most compelling argument of all; “He has the most support of the people but he cannot defend their votes. He should quit!” Well, who do you blame for this? It is like blaming a girl that was raped on the ground that she is too beautiful or seductive! My humble opinion is that the blame should rest on the shoulders of the people responsible for raping true democracy. Or what do you think? I have not actually met this man one on one. I have however, supported his aspiration firstly, because I see him as someone different from the crop of regular politicians. He could have accepted to be appointed a commissioner or even nominate for a ministerial post especially under Ibori regime. But he adamantly and resolutely aspires to lead. I believe that good leaders emerge from the ranks of those that will not compromise their ideals. Look at people like Mandela, Gandhi etc. They are usually ready to make all sacrifices to assume leadership. Unlike the likes of our present politicians who are handpicked by their God fathers or ready to sell their birthright just for an appointment! Secondly also, this General is an astute business man who knows the worth of good investment and how to negotiate good returns. Unlike these reckless politicians all over the place, wasting valuable funds on projects that were never meant to be completed, we need a leader that can efficiently manage our resources, deliver needed dividends of democracy and alleviate the suffering of our people. Lastly, if only to defend what is right, the people must stand firm and demand that their voices must be heard. We must not capitulate just because some few crooks have stolen our mandate over and over again and installed their stooges in government. We saw how people can sacrifice their life for a cause when Chinese students took on the tyrannical leaders in Tienanmen Square or how a trader set himself ablaze in Tunisia just to voice his discontent against the authorities. “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so, we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man cant ride you unless your back is bent”. Martin Luther King (Jr).
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 16:28:43 +0000

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