CHIEF MINISTER’S OFFICE GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA PRESS RELEASE DATE 27-10-2014 The Honourable Chief Minister Sri. K. Chandrashekar Rao will meet a delegation of Heads of various companies who are members of National Executive Board of the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) over dinner, on 26th November 2014. The delegation comprises Heads of various companies like Bank of America, E I Dupont India, Textron India, Lockeed Martin, IBM and President of GE in India. Mr. Y. Madan Mohan, Chairman AMCHAM, Hyderabad and Mrs. Kiranmai Pendyala, Vice Chairman, AMCHAM called on the Chief Minister Sri. K. Chandrashekar Rao and requested him to meet the delegation and interact with the National executive board of AMCHAM in India. The National Executive Board of AMCHAM will meet in Hyderabad on 26th November 2014. The American Chamber of Commerce in India is an association of American business organizations operating in India. Established in 1992, AMCHAM has about 500 members representing most of the major US companies operating in India and engaged in diverse sectors. AMCHAM is headquartered in New Delhi and has regional chapters in all the five major cities of the country, including Hyderabad. Its principle objective is to promote activities that encourage and stimulate investments by the US companies in India, to support ongoing business operations of its members and encourage bilateral trade between India and USA. The Hyderabad Chapter has a membership of 73 from diverse sectors. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of Hyderabad Chapter informed the Chief Minister Sri. K. Chandrashekar Rao, that, the leadership of AMCHAM would like to meet him and understand his vision for the development and growth of the state. They requested the Chief Minister to meet and interact with the National executive board for this purpose. The Chief Minister has agreed to meet the delegation and interact with them over dinner.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 12:29:25 +0000

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