CHIGGER BITES? Yes, its that time of year in Kansas City! - TopicsExpress


CHIGGER BITES? Yes, its that time of year in Kansas City! Usually by now the chigger cycle is over, so we dont have them at the start of school, but because it has been so cool this summer, they are having a second round a bit later this year. This means they are just in time for the first week of school - woohoo! Its completely normal for these little guys to come out in the Midwest, but if youre not used to them, it can be a bit startling (and itchy). To prevent chiggers: 1 - Wear tennis shoes and long socks outside. 2 - Use bug spray on ankles and/or waist 3 - Use essential oil sprays (tea tree, eucalyptus, citronella work great) 4 - Wipe legs off with wet towel after playing outside. 5 - Plant mint around property (we are working on that part) 6 - Get chickens (also working on that :-) ) Chiggers love tall grass and sunny areas (which we have the school on a regular mowing schedule). The pesticides for chiggers are not safe for kids to be playing in, so we will not use them on property here. Please take care to have kids wear appropriate shoes the next 2-weeks to prevent the bites. Gotta love Kansas City summers :)
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 15:10:34 +0000

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