CHINESE ASTROLOGY UPDATE - MARCH 30 – APRIL 4 2014 Sun March - TopicsExpress


CHINESE ASTROLOGY UPDATE - MARCH 30 – APRIL 4 2014 Sun March 30 – 2nd moon/30th day Today has associations with patriarchal ancestors, success in all things and continuing success without effort. Your patriarchal ancestors are not just the ones in old photo albums – they are your yang resources. Though today is best spent in solitude and rest it is valuable to use this time to consider (with gratitude) all your yang resources (father, mentor, guru and/or brother, son, etc.) – and the overall aspect of constancy at the core of your life. Tidy up the ancestor altar (or grave) and make offerings. Feel the love of your forefathers. Speak your native tongue. Avoid travel by air or sea. Correct actions are directed inwardly. Aggression, risk-taking and competition invoke loss. Acupuncture channel is inhibited or sunken. “Miraculous” healing is however quite possible. Be precise and focused in your practice of qigong and/or yoga. Cognitive therapies are enhanced. The Large Intestine channel is open. Not much can be accomplished with acupuncture. Try crystals. Mon March 31 – 3rd moon/1st day Though Spring is definitely in the air, it is important to remember its lack of maturity. Freshness and purity are wonderful but lack the training and concentration that bring about great rewards. Both projects and results will be small but full of inspiration and learning for “things to come”. Today the qi profile has a minor injury image due to inappropriate youthful ambition but it can be educational. Not a good day to challenge the final exam without taking the course. This image, however, is not meant to make you shy or cause retreat. Be like an obedient and enthusiastic student. Good results come from being circumspect and intelligent. Commerce, acquisitions and gardening are all auspicious. Travel, creativity and fengshui adjustments are auspicious. There is a sense of being pardoned or released so there is no need to “break out” – there is some red tape to deal with but you will be set free. Honing your skill and strength is better than showing off. Any and all forms of exercise are enhanced. It is NOT time to speak up, start a new business or run off into uncharted territory (wilderness). The Lung channel is open. Lung 7 and 9 are useful most of the day (9am-3pm). Combine with Kidney 6 for the treatment of myriad Wind symptoms. Keep your patients warm in treatment rooms. Long and broad strokes do more than pressing and poking in massage today. Bupin (soup) herbs are very effective. Rebellious qi may be misdiagnosed as strength today … don’t chase obscure symptoms today – give balanced treatments. THIRD MOON (Begins March 31, 2014) Moon of the EARTH DRAGON or “Yielding Dragon” KEY to the lunar Qi: Revolution + NEW BOUNDARIES EARTH is the native element of the Dragon Earthly Branch. Earth Dragon moons provide rich opportunities and have a distinguished and regal air. They highlight proper leadership – when true leaders can and should be recognized and given power. This moon also brings the fortunes of history the natural rise and fall associated with new and fresh dynasties. Though the chance to achieve power, wealth and position are splendid so are the invitations to indulge in the rewards of success to excess. All the troubling events of this moon have to do with a dismissive and disinterest in ordinariness. Success may lead to overcoming (social, political) boundaries but new boundaries must be established to stabilize results. The moon easily supports all sorts of medical recoveries while opening new doors for new illnesses and injuries. Tue April 1 – 3rd moon/2nd day There is a teasing sense of gambling in the qi of the day. Minor tests but I warned you so no big losses. Coasting forward is safe, no big change from yesterday. Fairy godmothers protect you. Learn and grow; flunking out is not an option. It is auspicious to bury the dead, restore or replace monuments (tombstones). Study your options and do not be lazy. Postpone construction, fengshui adjustments and ground breaking. Do not do any impulse traveling and postpone making travel plans. No divination or medical treatments (see tomorrow). The Bladder channel is open. Syndromes of disharmony begun by trauma (physical and emotions) are treatable today. Be kind and gentle with patients. Establish rapport by listening to them. Treatments will have hit and miss results. Soft tissue massage is enhanced. Structural adjustments are afflicted. Wed April 2 – 3rd moon/3rd day Today is Double Three, a commemorative Day for Ge Hong(283–343 CE), China’s premier alchemist and Hua Tuo another alchemist-physician. In many of China’s cities today doctors would meet at Medical Guild Halls and make annual offerings (incense and fruits) to the ancestors and gods of medicine. If you are a healthcare provider (or student) make offerings to the great physicians of your tradition and/or express gratitude to your teachers and mentors with a banquet. These gestures invoke the qi momentum of successful treatments and sound knowledge. The word traditional means qi momentum – without some acknowledgement of the lineage of your practice you are shooting in the dark. Lack of humility brings failure. Sincerity rocks. As it turns out it is an ideal day for making offerings, welcoming new clients and rewarding your staff. Indoor fengshui adjustments, planning and contract signing are auspicious. Purchasing medical supplies is auspicious. The Kidney channel is open. Kidney 6 is useful from 9am-3pm. Gentle and short treatments are best (2 points for women; 1 or 3 from men). Avoid structural adjustments. Compresses and poultices are enhanced. Thu April 3 – 3rd moon/4th day There is always a chance that our confidence and idealism get together and turn into belligerence. Today’s a good day to keep an eye on that belligerence angle. Faith, trust and loyalty are not meant to create belligerence – so – add a touch of modesty and compromise to the deal today. If you want to be strong for others, that’s good, but don’t abuse people with your kindness. Look at the resources of your strength and trim and edit the excesses. Life may be scary but don’t overact with insensitivity. Consult the oracle. The day is well spent on the appearance of things; mend and wash your clothes, get your hair trimmed and don’t go for glamour. Medical treatments that help you relax are auspicious. Reflection and routine planning go very well. Don’t dig the ground or look too deeply into the motives of others and avoid launching new projects. Tame the compulsive need for drama, distant travel plans and dishing your enemies. Things are not exactly what they seem; reversals/compromise are an advantageous option. Do not bury the dead. The Gallbladder channel is open. Spleen 4 and Pericardium 6 are useful most of the day. Reflexology is enhanced. Homeopathic method (hair of the dog that bit you) is enhanced. A hot footbath before bed works wonders. Eat some mild kim chi. if passion always made for more ... then using a sledge hammer to dial your cell phone would let your friend know you REALLY loved them ... of course, with passion still in charge we might wind up blaming the cell phone company for our heart break and frustration when our friend does not reply LOL ... when I use the term self-reflection it is not staring at your navel it is working/playing with the situation at hand with openness and interest (not passion) ... just sayin Fri April 4 – 3rd moon/5th day Talk about provocative negativity. Today the devil is in your ear. Damn Ming is such a sissy – too modest, too much waiting. Lurching forward seems to have promise but the compound indicators say no – don’t do it. It is not to say a bit of violence is sometimes called for (if only to clear away complacency) but … not today. The set-up for sudden moves is there … the odds are 10:1 against success. What we 3have here is a growing yang confidence that is distracted and impatient with the learning/maturing process. The qi of the day is like a mindless bully – excess testosterone. We are talking about wasting yang; like a dead boy who never grows to be a man. Sleep with a night light and seek portentous dreams. Scale it down and things go well. Just shake hands, no contract signing. Start a new chapter not a new book. Pay the minimum not the principle. Hang with the best buddy not the whole posse. The Liver channel is open. The emotional dimensions of healing are enhanced. Any foot Bladder points in the morning and Kidney 6 and Lung 7 in the afternoon. Choose 2 needle patterns (10 minutes each). Do not use too many needles or long treatments. A little chat while you offer massage is good – very 80’s. Eat vegetarian food – no dairy is good for you. Spring Equinox Qi Node March 21 – April 4, 2014 Yin and Yang Equality WOOD (6am Colon) Chun Fen “Spring Divide” The Dipper points to Branch Mao Rabbit – means burgeoning At the Spring Equinox the yin and yang are equal. A quivering Yang arises and a shaky Yin submits. The day and night are equal in length. This qi node marks one of four annual pivots that rectify the annual qi transformation. In lunar calendar terms this is spring’s midpoint. It is analogous to the crowning of a Prince. During this qi node the best qi is available around dawn; you should practice neigong facing due east and greet the dawn with deep breaths. Imagine that you inhale the true and pure yang of the sun from over the horizon as the light appears. Have it enter your body and refresh all your organs, channels and joints. You will notice that all the winter’s lethargy is gone and if you have been cultivating spring, yang is no longer shaky. Plans and actions are enhanced. It is an ideal time for in depth study, long walks and consulting with diviners and astrologers. Focus and go forward. Do not forget the advice of the sages! Crows and ravens are sun-creatures in Chinese tradition – they will be rascally now all through spring and summer.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 00:42:04 +0000

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