CHRIST JESUS IS COMING VERY SOON: SET YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER: Isaiah.38:1. This story here is a well known story but all that we know is about the miracle but the command that the Lord gave and the negligence of Hezekiah we miss. Amos.4:12. 1John.3:3. I believe in miracle and the power of prayer. But this man eventually died the question is did he put his house in order before he died. Did he put his life in order before he left this world? 2Chro.32:24-25. He did not check the tendency to self management and pride. Not only that he had only one child but did not train the child in godliness and immediately the child took over the reign of the kingdom all that his father did in godliness the child reversed. 2Chro.33:1-7. Today the Lord is speaking to you and me to set our lives and houses in order because the end is closer today than ever before. Numb.23:10. Good desire but is he willing to pay the price because it takes life of godliness before we can die in godliness. If someone does not live a righteous life he will never die a righteous death. 2Cor.13:5; Examine yourself are you genuinely saved? Is your life in order? Are you free from sin? Are you ready for the coming of Christ? 1Cor.10:12, 31. REPENT OF YOUR SINS AND REMOVE ALL SATANIC PROPERTIES IN YOUR POSSESSION: Acts.17:30-31; Acts.3:19; Mk.1:15; Ezekiel.18:30-32; Acts.19:18-19; Dt.18:9-13. To set your house or life in order is to repent from all your sins, confess and forsake them. And accept Christ Jesus into your heart by faith as your personal Lord and Saviour. After this you need to remove all satanic properties in your possession and all materials of occult and juju from your possession and set fire on them. Also you need to make all necessary restitutions so as to have a conscience void of offence towards God and man. Settle all outstanding debts and live a life of truth and faithfulness. RECEIVE CHRIST INTO YOUR HEART BY FAITH AND LIVE IN RIGHTEOUSNESS: John.1:12; Rom.10:8-13; 2Cor.5:17; Rev.3:20; Rom.6:1-7, 11-14, 18, 22; Eph.5:18; 1John.3:6-10; 1John.5:18-21. You need to receive Christ into your heart by faith and receive the power of son-ship. We need to live in righteousness all the days of your life. The bible made it very clear that if any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creation, old thing are pass away and behold all things will become new. And as a new creation you will live a life of righteousness and holiness all the days of your life. Luke.1:74-75. This is how to set your life and house in order so that the coming of the Lord will not meet you unawares. REMIAN IN CHRIST AND READ AND OBEY YOUR BIBLE EVERY DAY: John.8:30-32; John.15:4-6; 1Peter.2:1-2; Joshua.1:8; Isaiah.34:16; Ps.119:1-4, 9-11, 60, 127-128. For every believer to remain in Christ and in righteousness it is very important that such a person must stay close to his or her bible. The Psalmist said thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee. No man can say I have set my house in order if he does not read and obey the word of God. Is your house in order; are you ready for the coming of the Lord? What of if it happens tonight will you be ready? DEAR FRIEND PLEASE SET YOUR HOUSE (LIFE) IN ORDER THE NIGHT IS FAR SPENT. THE DAY WILL SOON BREAK.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 04:55:37 +0000

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