CHRISTIAN LIFE TRAINING DATE: March 5, 2014 TITLE: “THE SECOND BEAST” MAIN SCRIPTURE: Rev. 13:11-15 NKJV “Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.” RECAP: Chapter 12 told of three attacks focused on Israel, as the Adversary is cast out of heaven for the final time. The Dragon is Satan, the woman is Israel, her Child Who was born is Jesus Christ, and her offspring is either the Jews or those who have come to believe in Christ (during the Tribulation). For thousands of years there has been a widespread hatred of Israel that has no sensible explanation. But Israel is God’s chosen, and that seems to be reason enough for the enemies that surround her. However, for all the vicious attacks and attempts to wipe God’s people off the map since ancient times, none of Israel’s enemies have prevailed. Why? Because God will not let them! Chapter 13 tells of two beasts. The first beast rises out of the sea and refers to a confederation of kingdoms but ALSO to an individual we know as the Antichrist. Verse 3 tells us that one of the beast’s heads appears to be mortally wounded, and then miraculously healed. The Antichrist will come upon the scene appearing to have all the answers to the world’s problems, and indeed, the stage is set even now for him to come. Think about it. With all the problems the world faces today—war, poverty, famine just to name a few—if someone were to come in and say, “Hey, I’ve got solutions for all these things,” the world would follow him without question. He will have charisma, confidence, and eloquence enough when he comes on the scene, but after he apparently suffers a fatal wound and then miraculously recovers, people will follow him even more. Imagine the world’s reaction to a brilliant leader being apparently assassinated and then suddenly coming back to life! (Can you imagine the Facebook statuses on this one?) There are three main theories held regarding this apparent death/resurrection. The first is that it will be a hoax. If Hollywood can pull off special effects, the man who comes promising peace and solutions can certainly manage that. The second theory is that it is demonic possession at work, which is plausible because the Antichrist is indeed under satanic control. (But keep in mind that Satan himself is under God’s control!) The third theory is that the death and resurrection are genuine but the Bible disproves this. Hebrews 9:27 clearly states, “It is appointed unto man once to die, and after that the judgment.” Lazarus and others were raised up by God’s power for His purposes, but Jesus Christ is the only One Who has ever self-resurrected. John as recorder states multiple times that the Antichrist SEEMS to do these things. Satan can imitate. He does it all the time. He masquerades as an angel of light! The Antichrist appears to do these miraculous things because he wants people to think he is God. He sets himself up in the Temple as such. But as we read Revelation, we see repeatedly that the beast or antichrist is GIVEN authority. Verse 5 of chapter 13 states that he even has to be given authority to blaspheme. Why is that? Because God is showing that He is still sovereign. He is allowing these things to happen but neither Satan and his demons nor the beast can move an inch without His permission. Verse 11, where our lesson picks up tonight, tells of another beast rising out of the earth. The word “another” is significant because it means, one like the first, with the same characteristics of the first. Some people claim this first beast only refers to a group of nations but the pronouns and grammar used clearly indicate that an individual is also indicated. Therefore, if the first beast is an individual, the second has to be as well. Rev. 19:20 states that the beast (Antichrist) and the false prophet are cast ALIVE (living and breathing) into the lake of fire. These are real individuals. The second beast is none other than the false prophet referred to who will make the people worship the Antichrist. This beast has quite a different appearance from the first one. The first beast has multiple crowned heads and the features of wild animals—leopard, bear, lion. It is ferocious—a terrifying sight to John, I’m sure! But the second beast has a much milder appearance—at first. It is described as having two horns like “a lamb.” Now, there are few things tamer than a little lamb. If you were here for the Easter drama last year, you probably contributed to the congregational “Awwwwwwww” that circulated when the two boys came down the aisle with the little lamb. His little face—cute. His woolly coat—cute. His one plaintive bleat—super cute. His little presents he left in the aisle—well, perhaps cute is not quite the word, but at any rate, it certainly wasn’t scary. This second beast doesn’t look scary either—until he opens his mouth. No cute little “baaa” here—the dragon’s voice comes out! Looks like a lamb, speaks like a dragon. Scared now? This innocent-appearing beast is there to deceive and to compel the people to worship the first beast—the Antichrist. Such a deception is no surprise because we know that Satan is the master of deception. His original name Lucifer means “shining one” or “bright one.” From the Garden of Eden, he has deceived people and made sin look glamorous. Sin always looks pleasant to the eye, but damning in its results. The fruit he tempted Eve with was probably the most attractive fruit in the garden. It would have probably made the most attractive fruit basket ever—had God not specifically commanded them not to eat it. The serpent was not a scary-looking creature—not at that time. But it is the smaller snakes that often have the deadliest poison. You see, it is not the size of the sin that causes spiritual death but the sin itself. But that sin is attractively wrapped. The serpent told Eve a half-truth—that eating the fruit would make her like God, knowing good and evil. She and Adam found out the difference all right, but behind the devil’s half-truth was a whole lie. The false prophet likewise will deceive people, pointing them to a deeper relationship with the one who will destroy them. He is none other than the devil’s mouthpiece. From ancient times to today, false prophets have deceived many who chose to listen to them instead of the Word of God. Jesus warned His disciples to be aware of these false prophets who looked like lambs but had false doctrine that bit like a wolf. This is why we are told to “test the spirits” in Scripture. No matter how passionate, how charismatic, how confident someone may appear, no matter how many copies of their books appear on the shelves of a Christian bookstore, if their words do not line up with God’s Word, they are false teachers and NOT of God. This is why we must know the Word of God and hide it in our hearts, for if we don’t know what His Word says, we can be easily led astray. In addition to his deceptively innocent appearance, the second beast/false prophet will have the power to lead millions to destruction this way, leading them to worship an imitation god. They are worshiping a god that does not exist, but we serve a God today Who does! We serve a God Whose Word has the power to change the hardest hearts. No sermon that comes from the mouth of man, no commentaries, no illustrations –nothing can change a heart like the power of the Word of God. Satan tries to copy but we have the Original! He is KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS! Why would we give our lives to an imitation when we can have the original? The Israelites traded the genuine power and presence of God Who had led them out of Egypt for a graven image--a golden calf idol made by human hands. The false prophet will also make an image of the Antichrist. He will point to the Antichrist and say “Look, who else is like this one who died and came back to life? Worship him!” Next week, we will discuss just how he makes the people to worship—through the mark of the beast. This idea was once almost too much to imagine but the stage is set even today for such a thing. A microchip, implanted in the hand which can be scanned and hold all kinds of information. Imagine this—its designers say—keep up with all your medical records if you get into an accident. Track your child if he or she is abducted. Buy things without worrying about carrying a wallet around. People will be made to worship the image of the beast through this mark. Imagine people worshiping a false image that can’t touch them back! Today Jesus extends a loving invitation of grace and truth—and unlike these false images—we can feel and know His touch. These Scriptures become more frightening every day because we know the time is drawing near for His return. We can see the stage being set all around us. Don’t wait. Now is the day of salvation. “’Is not My Word like a fire? says the Lord. ‘And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” Jeremiah 23:29 NKJV
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 03:22:54 +0000

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