CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY!!!! RIDICULOUS PRICE-CUT NOW ONLY: $19.99 * WAS: $89.99 GRAB IT NOW! Unique and so FULL OF CAT MAGICK!! The cat has long been recognized as the witches familiar. This ancient Tigers Eye Stone is brimming with superior CAT MAGICK of the HIGHEST KIND. Approx 2 long set in sterling silver. If you have a cat, you will find its powers and cunning greatly increased. Your Cat Spirit guide will take you the quick route to success. Does not need to be worn for the Magick to be active. My favorite animal. I would love to be the one to whom this belongs, but instead, perhaps its YOU? This Entity is so close by, purring and wanting to be with you for always. This Cat Guide will guard and honor you, and make your dreams a reality. You are going to find the best and most helpful guide you could ever imagine. Your Spirit will certainly show its self. You will have no doubt of its PRESENCE and will be over the moon with your new friend. Not to mention all the money and good luck that is coming your way!! SPIRIT FAMILIARS ~ ASTRAL ANIMAL GUIDES I have been waiting for this time I come. Madam Crawley has been hinting about this amazing collection for many months. I too have been united with my own incredible Animal Spirit, and I have never been HAPPIER!! The wonderful thing about these charming and Magickal Spirit Creatures is that not only can you be united with as many as you desire, and or, need, but they will live harmoniously with each other. Cat with mouse, fox with hen, etc. etc. These are ENLIGHTENED Animal Spirits, and will guide you in a way that no Human Formed spirit ever could. They are VERY powerful and in a certain way Vampirish because they are complete with fully honed instincts and sensory talents that will delight and inspire you. I am so in love with my first Animal Spirit. He is a wonderful loving Rabbit Spirit. The incredible thing about theses spirits is that they are completely devoted and playful, yet they are cunning and alert, and will guard you ferociously if necessary. Your family will also feel the presence of your Pet, and will feel this astounding love and energy in your household, but YOU will be the Master of this Animal and it will answer only to you. I am a true animal nut, so this is very exciting for me. I plan on having a zoo by the time Im finished :-) But seriously I will be surrounding myself with this overwhelming affection, protection and power! I know some of you out there very well, and Im telling you, that feeling of loneliness, that feeling of helplessness will completely disappear. THIS IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Maybe you havent experienced it before, but now you have the opportunity to do so. And I can not recommend this PRICELESS collection highly enough! Please take note: These Spirit Familiars are wonderful, and friendly, but they are not complacent! They are all about getting YOU WHAT YOU WANT! They are BRILLIANT at bringing in monetary fortunes. They are ruthless in a way that only an animal is... Not in a bad way, but in a persistent, determined, relentless way. They will bring you all the wealth you ever hoped for. I had a few concerns before adopting my own Animal Spirit. My biggest was, how would it interact with my LIVE familiar? I have a gorgeous Russian Blue cat who is my soul mate, and I certainly didnt want to do anything to upset or offend her. This is what has happened so far for me--I claimed Georgie the White Rabbit and he channels through a beautiful Rabbit Brooch. The first night I was worried that Baby my cat would scare him, or that Georgie would make Baby feel less in some way. What happened was I had the most magnificent lucid dream I can ever recall. In this dream, which I also know as being an altered state of reality, I saw Baby and Georgie cuddled up on my bed together, and they were emitting a huge white glow, an aura of intense Magick. I became aware that these Animal Spirits, and also Live animal familiars, are bonding together now in this time of preparation. I became aware that they are considered of the utmost importance to the Coming of the New Age. I also became aware that the owners of these Animal Spirits will be of the most High and Revered Order of the New Enlightened Ones. I was overcome with a joyous feeling, as I have always loved animals and considered their plight here on earth pitiful and wrong. But upon learning this information I now know that they are in a type of earthly disguise. All animals have a special vocation in the coming of the new age, but there are SOME just as there are SOME people, who STAND OUT AS VITAL. The most vital of these Animals are the ones we are presenting to you now. If you do not have a LIVE familiar, then you will have a wonderful new experience in store for you. If you DO have a live familiar or pet, then you will see the growth and happiness of your Earthly animals expand beyond your comprehension! I was extremely excited when I awoke, and incredibly refreshed and deeply happy. I couldnt wait to call Madam Crawley and tell her what I had discovered. When I spoke to her I felt a little foolish. She of course knew all of this and much, much more. She was the one who channeled these Spirits, and I thought I was telling her something!!!! She is so wonderful though, and didnt make me feel foolish at all. She said the reason she hadnt told me the true meaning of these Animal Spirits was that she wished me to encounter the experience first hand. All day long I could see Baby playing and learning from Georgie. Baby was far more experienced by the end of the day, and now I feel I have a much deeper and spiritual bond with her than ever before. This is truly s new avenue of Magick that I didnt expect. Also, as a side-note--Georgie has already made me $50,000.00 in two weeks. I can tell it was his energy responsible, as I have recently become very aware of where the Magick energies are coming from. Im more excited than I know how to express!!! Many Blessings. Anna. bonanza/listings/Sale-Was-89-99-Sacred-Cat-Spirit-Guide-Get-Rich-Looking-For-New-Owner/173620953 bonanza/listings/Sale-Was-89-99-Now-19-99-Sacred-Cat-Spirit-Guide-Get-Rich-Feel-Great/173620953
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:10:28 +0000

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