CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON DECEMBER 9TH FOR A GMO-FREE LA! You probably heard the amazing news that on October 21st, the Los Angeles City Council voted 13-1 to approve the motion authored by Council members Paul Koretz and Mitch OFarrell to create a GMO-Free growing zone in Los Angeles. Their motion aims to curb the growth and sales of genetically-modified (GMO) seeds and plants within the city, to protect local gardeners and urban farmers from current and future contamination by GMO plants. The City Attorney next needed to draft an ordinance which will need to be approved again by City Council. WHAT YOU MAY NOT HAVE HEARD is that California Assembly member Rudy Salas, D-Bakersfield, quietly inserted language into a state bill at the 11th hour at the behest of big agricultural interests, stating that a city, county, or district shall not adopt or enforce an ordinance that regulates plants, crops, or seeds without the consent of the Secretary of the Department of Food and Agriculture. The bill also adds corporation to the definition of person within the California Seed Law. Los Angeles caught em with their hands in the seed jar! City Attorney Mike Feuers team hurried to finish the ordinance and the City Council has scheduled the ordinance in committee THIS COMING MONDAY, December. 8th, and then in full City Council THIS COMING TUESDAY, December 9th. We have to help LA get their ordinance done before this corporate takeover of the seed law goes into effect on January 1st, 2015. First and foremost we need a huge turnout at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, December 9 When: Tuesday, December 9, 10AM Where: Los Angeles City Hall 200 N. Spring St, Room 330 What: LA City Council vote on GMO-Free LA Leading up to that City Council meeting Please call these members of the Los Angeles City Council ASAP and ask for their vote. Email is less effective. You can leave a message over the weekend. Ask for his YES vote on Item #13-1374 to make Los Angeles a GMO-Free Zone in Arts, Parks, Health Committee and then in Council the next day. Councilmember Joe Buscaino (the only Councilmember who voted NO the first time) (213) 473-7015 Thank them for their aye vote in October and ask that they vote YES again in Committee and then in Council on Tuesday: Councilmember Tom LaBonge (213) 473-7004 [email protected] Councilmember Gil Cedillo (213) 473-7001 [email protected] Councilmember Curren Price (213) 473-7009 [email protected] Thank them for their aye vote in October and ask for their vote in full City Council on Tuesday, December 9th: Councilmember Paul Krekorian (213) 473-7002 [email protected] Councilmember Nury Martinez (213) 473-7006 [email protected] Councilmember Bernard Parks (213) 473-7008 [email protected] Thank him for moving it out of Energy & Environment Committee and ask him for his AYE vote in full City Council on Tuesday (he was absent for the first vote): Councilmember Felipe Fuentes (213) 473-7007 [email protected] Details: Here’s the LA City Council motion #13-1374 we want them to support Talking Points: 1) Making LA a GMO-Free Growing Zone is vital to protect the economic interests of LA’s vital urban agriculture and homemade food movements; to protect the Urban Agriculture Incentive Zones Act created last year by the approval of AB-551; to protect home, school and community gardens and their seeds from contamination by the pesticide industry; and to protect fruit and vegetable varieties with cultural heritage, or heirloom/historic varieties (like Native American corn) from potential cross-pollination from GE varieties. 2) The Los Angeles City Council has already voted to protect bee populations. Agrichemicals in the pesticides and herbicides used on GMO crops are being blamed for “colony collapse disorder.” This is an essential step in creating a healthy bee safety zone. Butterflies are also being devastated by herbicides used in growing GM crops and need protection. 3) A GMO-Free LA will encourage the economic development of sustainable and organic urban agriculture in Los Angeles. As awareness of the issue of GMO contamination of non-GMO and organic foods continues to grow, local growers and food producers can promote their products as “GMO-Free” and reap the benefits of this rapidly growing and lucrative market. 4) GE contamination has already jeopardized millions of dollars in exports for American farmers, including exports through the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, where goods are shipped to international markets, especially markets in Asia. These countries already have laws on the books that prohibit the sale of GE products. By taking a public stand, Los Angeles is also declaring protections for its port exports and port jobs. 5) If GMO crops are safe, why have over 60 countries around the world taken some form of action to label or prohibit the growth of GM crops? 6) This initiative stands the potential to have significant long-term positive impacts on food security by protecting the diversity of vegetable and fruit plants. That diversity is desperately needed for humanity’s survival on a climate-changed planet. 7) The City Council has previously shown strong leadership on GMOs by voting unanimously to support GMO labeling bills, Proposition 37 and SB-1381 (Evans), to oppose HR 933 (Section 735), the Monsanto Protection Act; and to oppose the approval of GM Salmon. 8) The City Council should take a strong stand now to protect the best interests of eaters, backyard gardeners, and farmers who source food to the City, before the next generation of genetically-engineered seeds and crops comes online. For more info, click here: seedfreedomla.blogspot/ SAFE eating comes from INFORMED eating, The small but mighty IRT - Food Policy Fund Team The Institute for Responsible Technology Food Policy Fund is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization engaging in advocacy and legislative lobbying activities. It endorses GMO-Free growing zone in Los Angeles but is not affiliated with it.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 08:34:14 +0000

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