CLASSIC CHRISTIANITY. THE WAR IS ON! Every Christian needs to - TopicsExpress


CLASSIC CHRISTIANITY. THE WAR IS ON! Every Christian needs to pray for a discerning spirit so they are not derailed by some who are only after their money but fastening their souls into hell. When you exercise your right as a Christian, you will start to say Jesus Christ said or the holy bible says not my pastor said. As important as religious leaders are; they are human beings like you and me, fellow strugglers in faith and righteousness, and above all, as afflicted as the rest of us. None, and I mean none, eats breakfast with God physically present. Remember, the high priests were told off by Jesus who Himself was not a priest for no man can ordain his or her God. Know the truth and the truth will set you free. Fellowship with one another, listen to your religious leaders but make sure you know the truth in order to assist your religious leader when they derail, as everyone does and can do. Dont follow sheepishly. Love and pray for your enemy, and do good to those who hate you. Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. Violent and vindictive prayers against someone, only comes back to hunt the person saying them for Christ is the Lord of peace. These are the brand of prayers destroying Christians in many nations I Africa where there are millions of churches offering billions of prayers per day; yet everyone is at each others throat. All you hear is your relative is a witch blocking your success, your husband or wife is sent by the devil and your brother stole your destiny. What a shambles? Please Christians, pay attention to our Lords prayer and ensure your prayers are guided by it. Dont let your fellow human beings destroy your life, soul and steal from you. This advice is only applicable to those who follow Christ.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 06:39:06 +0000

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