COFFEE SHOP CONVERSATION (I wish I could make this stuff up, but - TopicsExpress


COFFEE SHOP CONVERSATION (I wish I could make this stuff up, but I got in a silly conversation with a sweet soccer mom at my favorite coffee shop this morning. By the end of it, I thought the poor shop owner was going to die laughing...) SCENE: After she saw that I was reading a copy of Bart Ehrmans Gods Problem (an excellent critique of the problem of suffering), we were having a little chat about truths... Her: There is nothing more true than Christianity. Me: What if you were born in Kabul? Her: Whats that? Me: Thats kind of my point... Her: Huh? Me: Kabul is the capital of Afghanistan, a predominantly Muslim nation. Her: Yeah? Me: So, what if you were born in a Muslim nation? Her: But, I wouldnt be. Me: Why not? Her: Because Im a Christian. Me: Again, you are kind of making my point... Her: Huh? Me: Hypothetically speaking, if you were born to two Muslim parents, do you think you would you still be Christian? Her: I dont understand your point. Me: My point is - truth is relative. Her: But God wouldnt give me Muslim parents. Me: Why not? Her: Because before I was ever born, He knew me and loved me. Me: So, He loves you more than little Muslim babies? Her: What do you mean? Me: I mean, if he knew you and loved you in the womb and chose for you this amazing blessed life, then the opposite is true for any babies not born into Christian homes, right? Her: I guess? Me: And youre okay with that? Her: Its not my fault they arent Christian. Me: The babies? The illiterate babies who cant read the Bible and understand that they were born guilty of the crimes of the original sin, responsible for a human sacrifice 2,000 years ago. Her: Huh? Me: Arent all babies atheists? Her: Not me, I was baptized when I was a baby. Me: Was that your choice? Her: Huh? I was a baby... Me: Right... What if your parents were Muslim or Hindu? Dont you think they would have raised you according to their faith? Her: Not in America. Me: Why? You dont think there are Muslims or Hindus in America? Her: Maybe, but were a Christian nation. Me: What makes you think that? Her: What do you mean? Me: What makes you think this is a Christian nation? Her: I... it just is! Me: So, if you were born in a Muslim nation, like Afghanistan - wouldnt you then be a Muslim? Her: I already said no. God wouldnt do that to me. Me: How do you know? Maybe the Muslim God loves you more, but youve just been turning your back on him this whole time because you were raised in a Christian nation. What if the REAL truth is found in the Quran and weve just been ignoring it all along? Her: What do crayons have to do with anything? Me: EVERYTHING! (At which point I finally couldnt hold back the giggles any longer... Dont worry - it ended amicably.)
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 21:22:46 +0000

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