COLD, DAWN STIRRINGS IN THE UNDERGROWTH. 24 NOVEMBER 2013 ‘Tis 7.47 a.m. and the gold-streaked dawn is breaking awesomely fast and furious. In the West Meadow, the large flock of cud-chowing woolley-backs lying among the clumps of swamp reeds and wind-bent grasses, have, during the long, black Winter’s night been kissed by Jack Frost: the heavy white coating of ice on the sheep’s fleeces is already slowly melting, transmogrifying into clouds of rising steam. From the east come spear-point thin shafts of sunlight that attack the Stygian gloom down in the belly of the clough to light up the few remaining yellow-gold crumpled leaves on the Oaks, and also illuminate the copper-hued leaves of the ancient, tall Beeches. From my cold throne, a gnarled, time-hammered, fallen stoop of Pennine Gritstone, I am pleasured by the delightful, melodious sounds of the jinkling and tinkling of the frigid, peaty waters of the Summerhouse Beck as it cascades and dances over the mossy boulders lining the bed. Hark! For the stillness of the Winter’s morn, is suddenly interrupted by the sound of rustling coming from a large clump of old, brown, bracken blanketing a grave-like mound of fallen wall stones. I remain very still, allowing my eyes to home in. Then, to my utmost delight, I see a nervous-looking vixen stealthily emerging from the protection of the bracken, her small penetrating eyes staring all around. It is clear that she hasn’t yet picked up the scent of Man! Transfixed, I silently watched the young female fox’s advance. Next, I discern the sounds of squealing, which induces the vixen’s head to turn back towards the safety of her lair within the bracken. I see movement, as three beautiful, small fox cubs cautiously emerge onto the frost covered meadow grass. With pleasure, I watched the playful antics of the young trio, as the Mother-fox tenderly kisses and nuzzles her adventurous, innocent cubs. A half tick later, and the Summerhouse Beck foxes have gone. She will undoubtedly have got my scent.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 10:47:24 +0000

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