COMMUNIQUE ISSUED AT THE INAUGURAL NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING/INAUGURATION OF NATIONAL AND STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF PDP FAN CLUB WORLDWIDE HELD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2013 AT TOP VIEW HOTEL, ABUJA. The meeting was well attended by members across the states of the federation where PDP FAN CLUB has been established and some representatives from the National Secretariat of People Democratic Party. The event commenced with the inauguration of the Interim National and State Executive Committee of the Club and was supervised by the National Publicity Secretary duly represented by Mr. Richard Ihediwa and Mr. Oladeji Bamidele, the Social Media Director. During the plenary session, the delegates deliberated extensively on the way forward for the club, issue of youth active participation in democratic governance and the State of the Nation. After critical and exhaustive deliberation, the Council resolved as follows: 1. That they have confidence in Alh. Bamanga Tukur led National Executive Committee and the National Working Committee of the party for their determination to enforce discipline in accordance with the Constitution of the party which has restore dignity to its members. 2. That after critically analyze the ideology and programs of the different political party in the country, the youth have decided to pinch their tent with the Peoples Democratic Party as the only existing political party in Nigeria that has a national interest and as such they will continue to promote the objectives, manifesto, programs and ideals of the party. 3. That PDP is not about sharing money as insinuated in some quarters by mischief makers to ridicule the party. That henceforth, the club will lead sensitization campaign to the nooks and crannies of our different communities to correct that wrong impression about the party. That PDP as a party has a mandate to deliver good governance to all Nigerians irrespective of party affiliation and that they are doing that presently with the reforms of the present administration but submit that there is still room for improvement. 4. That since the formation of the club in some states, the party structures in those states especially at the grassroot level sees them as threat to hijack the structures of the party. Whereas the club is form to promote the ideals and objectives of the Peoples Democratic Party especially on social media platform. That the National Chairman should please issue a Letter of Affiliation to the club and also transmit same to the State Chairmen across the country so as to assist us carry out our activities and programs without any impediment. 5. That youth have identified unemployment as one of the major causes of high crime rate in the country and strongly appeal that government policy on job creation should be given topmost priority. They expressed disappointment that a bill for social services for unemployed youth and graduates were not considered by the upper chamber of the National Assembly. It was unanimously resolved that six (6) competent youth leaders with the capacity to make meaningful contribution to the law governing our country will be sent to the Senate and at least fifty (50) to the House of Representatives to protect the interest of all Nigerian youth come 2015. 6. That youth should not allow themselves to be used as political thugs and hire killers for any reason as their lives is more important to be wasted on fruitless ventures. That the club will lead in the vanguard for political education and re-orientation programs in the country. 7. That the party should resolved all issues that have put members against each other so as to move the party forward and deliver good governance to the people. That the club will continue to play prominent role in propagating the ideals and policies of the Peoples Democratic Party for the overall interest of all Nigerians. 8. In view of the above, the council decided to visit the National Executive Committee and Board of Trustees of the party and other stakeholders to present their programs for the year so as to move the club to an enviable height. Finally, council resolved to take the message of the club to their different local government areas and wards and will mobilize more people to join the club for the overall interest of Nigerian youth and lovers of democracy.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 21:06:29 +0000

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