COMPARING NATIVE AMERICAN SPIRITUAL VALUE SYSTEM WITH THE VALUE SYSTEMS OF ALL THE OTHER RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD When you take something down, you havent really taken it down at all. All you have done is to start a process of reformulating what it is that you are trying to say and what really should be said in a way that awakens the imagination, expands the soul, stimulates the mind in order to further ones understanding of the mystery of life. I think what is really needed is a brief, pointed and effective comparison between the spiritual value system of Native Americans of the Western Hemisphere (comprising Greenland, North, Central and South America and the Islands of the Caribbean Sea) with the other world religions comprising Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, African and other indigenous spiritual value systems. In this regard, one cannot leave out ancient spiritual value systems often referred to as Pagan, Wiccan and Ancient Egyptian, among others. I think what you find when you study all these different spiritual value systems, you find that Native American spiritual value system of the Western Hemisphere has something to offer and contribute to collective human awareness, consciousness and understanding of mans higher being and purpose that none of the other spiritual value systems can boast understanding of or mastery imbedded in the thought processes, life style, belief system and culture of its people, save (except) Native Americans. That one key ingredient and component, in my humble opinion, is a profound and deep respect for life, all life forms, and a deep and profound understanding that we are all in this together and all participate in the universal web of life as individuals and as a collective, which we did not create or have control of or rights to. This is very important to the collective human psyche for it pulls us back into ourselves to recognize that with all our scientific and military inquiry, accomplishments and self acclaimed aggrandizement of attempting to achieve a great and mighty civilization is that we are, at the end of the day, merely human beings having a material and spiritual experience on a planet that we need to respect, care for and honor if we want in the future to call it home. Native Americans beat this drum of human thought, consciousness, awareness and reason, and they beat it hard and shout it loud and will never give up. The potential psychological impact and elements embedded in some of the myths, stories, experiences and belief systems of some of the worlds great religions run the dangerous, childish and unnecessary risks of putting mankind on a collision course with himself that leads us down the road of self annihilation and destruction in the pursuit of control, righteousness, happiness or some other naive, misguided, sometimes misinterpreted and misunderstood deeper spiritual value or purpose, which are nothing more than empty promises and naive, abstract concepts that are void of meaning and usefulness to the basic requirements of life. Native American spiritual value system bridges and seals that gap and demands that we view ourselves as we truly are, humans that are in no way better off or superior to the animals, birds, fishes, plants, trees and other life forms that inhabit our world that we see and observe on a daily basis that sustains and supports our world. How to say this without offending other religions and value systems that tend to pull mankind apart to serve their own narrow ideals, self interests, purposes and objectives is in itself a lesson in humility. Best, Antot Masuka
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 03:04:53 +0000

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