CONDEMNATION ~ the good news and the bad news. Part 1 In part - TopicsExpress


CONDEMNATION ~ the good news and the bad news. Part 1 In part one I will share a piece of my heart and life with you. A piece I really dont tell publicly. Why? Because it is something Im not proud about. Moreover, I realize that so many people are suffering undo emotional pain and If being brutally honest about myself can help anybody who is reading this, then its worth swallowing my pride and sharing it.But first, allow me to talk about the subject of condemnation. Bad news first ~ Satan is the King of Condemnation and if your hell-bend on giving your all to God you can bet your bottom dollar youve got Satans attention. And your gonna experience and receive a heaping helping of what I like to call “condo-bondo”! There is something far worse than condemnation...self-condemnation. Satan uses condemnation to keep us from getting closer to Christ. How? Most Christians who have done what they consider to be unforgivable things,feel so filthy. So low down and being in Gods holy presence makes them/us feel all the more guilty (although it should not be). When we feel this way we begin to condemn ourselves. The power of self condemnation magnifies our feelings of guilt, personifying our emotions and lies to us that our sin is to great for God to forgive us. The feelings that go with condemnation when reaching its greatest apex can drive many folks to suicide, especially “self”condemnation. Have you ever said to yourself, Ill never forgive myself for what I have done? I know I have. In the first few years of Lynnes and my marriage, I was an angry man. My dear wife suffered deeply, especially in the area of emotional abuse. If it hadnt been for the realness of God in our lives we would have been divorced after the first couple of years. The damage I did would have been irrevocable without Gods intervention. No amount of flowers, chocolates or Im sorry could repair what I had done. For many years following those tumultuous times and seeing the COLLATERAL DAMAGE I caused Lynne, I found myself saying; Dammit, Ill never forgive myself. These were years I was involved in the ministry. Why tell you that? I know Im not the only preacher who this has happened too. I became so miserable, and filled with self loathing for myself that, that hatred affected all other relationships including my relationship with God. The good news? We are going on thirty four years of marriage and its all behind me now. Jesus can fix anything and anyone. If you are experiencing a self condemnation for any reason, then you know when friends say; stop condemning yourself, dont be so hard on yourself or stop put yourself down their well meaning comfort means little. If your Self-condemned you will ignore these superpositions. And although well meaning, nobody knows or understands what we feel, what were going through or even just how deep these feelings of despair are. And now...the good news “If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.” 1John 3:20 Beloved, listen to one who knows God and seen Him do absolute miracles for people. Jesus is alive and living to give you hope, and bring restoration to you...personally. Freedom and liberation from the sins of your past. Cry out to Him today and watch Him preform a much needed healing in your heart. Id like to end this with a prayer form my heart for you. Lord Jesus, you know who needs to read this and it doesnt matter to you what they have done or what they have become. You want to mend their broken hearts and give them a brand new start. Send the Holy Spirit to them right now and shower them with your love. Reveal yourself to them in a way that they know for certain that you care about them. Amen. Please feel free to contact me at jjmuralman@hotmail Im here for you. Stay tuned for part 2 of CONDEMNATION ~ the good news and the bad news.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 01:35:01 +0000

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