CONFESSION OF A SOUND MIND Words of Light upon the Face of - TopicsExpress


CONFESSION OF A SOUND MIND Words of Light upon the Face of Contradictions, Limitations, Shame, Snares, and Unbelief By Milton Rodriguez Jesus is the author of a good work in me. He will finish what he started in me. There will be no closure in my life until he has finished with me. He did not begin a good work to end in a bad work. He will accomplish what he set out to do. He is more than able to fulfill what he started, for he is able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that I am able to ask or think. I have not reckoned the finished work a product of my mind or human reasoning. I have faith in his promises. It is impossible for him to lie. I continue to be confident of this fact: he began a good work in me, and he will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. I rely on his promises; therefore, unbelief will not snare me and hinder me in becoming what I should be. I am totally convinced that what he has said is true. I believe what he has said; therefore, I do not agree with anything that is contrary to the truth of his promises to me. I am fully persuaded that what he has promised, he will perform. No one can prevent him from accomplishing what he has determined to do. He is the finisher of my faith. No one can terminate my faith. He is the chief executive who has executed my faith. He is the one who works in me both to will and to do of his own good pleasure. I have looked unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of my faith. For the joy that was set before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. The Lord is the consummator, the completer. He is the captain, the Prince of Peace. He has made himself known to me. I am not ashamed of his gospel or of him. I know whom I have believed in, and I am fully persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. I am persuaded not to be discouraged because of hard times or difficulties. I continue to endure hardness as a good soldier of his. In the end, I will have fought a good fight and finished my course. In the end, I will have kept the faith, and he will give me a crown of righteousness. I have not looked unto my own ability or my own sufficiency as a source for arriving at the crowning time and place. I continue looking unto Jesus, the great high priest that is passed into the heavens. He is touched with the feeling of my infirmities; therefore, I know of a truth that he understands how I feel. He was tempted in all points just like I am; therefore, he understands the pressure brought on by temptations. I have come boldly unto the throne of grace, and I have been given mercy. I have found grace to help me in the time of need. He is the God of all grace. He is the author of grace. His grace is sufficient for me. No one can terminate the grace that is being freely given to me because Jesus is its author and finisher. No one can dispose of the grace of God. He started out by giving me grace, and he has placed the final coat of grace upon my life. I shall be varnished with grace before closure is brought to my life. My life shall not end nor reach a conclusion until he has finished what he started. I do not believe the limits being expressed by demons. They do not set the boundaries for Gods plans; neither can they discontinue the fruit of his love unto me. They have no strategy to bar the passage of grace unto me. There is no gate that can block his grace from entering into my life. They have no power to deny grace access unto me. They cannot suspend the grace of God, for he is the author of this eternal salvation and the finisher of the love that prompted him to grant it. No one can separate me from his love. Nothing can separate me from his love. He has not contracted the demons of this world as partners in finishing the work of grace in my life. He opened the book of my life and only he can close it. My life shall not end until he has closed the book of my life and sealed it with the same grace that he started it with.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:46:50 +0000

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