CONGRATULATIONS & POWER WEALTHCOME TO Ppm Rhozanne Manalili - TopicsExpress


CONGRATULATIONS & POWER WEALTHCOME TO Ppm Rhozanne Manalili Guinto OFFICIAL MEMBER OF PLANPROMATRIX TEAM GLOBAL Sponsored By: Upline Ppm Jen Clemente ---------------------------------------------------------- B O O O O M congratulations Po! No matter how old are we... How experienced no matter where are we living or who we are We have two eternal enemies TIME, the enemy that makes us all equal We all have the same 24 hours to do our best And one day our time will end And no matter how hard we try We can not win this battle Not even a bit of it However the second enemy is much more powerful He is mean and cruel...he will make you feel bad he will steal you success, he will kill your potential And eventually, He will take all what is good and worthy in your life.. He will make you miserable This enemy is YOU Each and every time when YOU surrender to your fears, to the easy and convenient shortcuts Each time you giving up or postponing your dreams You are losing to yourself I have learned in the hard way that if YOU want to succeed You have to be sharp and disciplined you have to make sacrifices, You have to make the comfort zone disappear In the Chinese ART OF WAR said the enemy of my enemy is my friend And since time is your enemy it is also your friend Use it to be better, use it to be stronger and most of all use it to be prepared to wage a WAR against yourself at any single given moment And win.. And Become a better you Than YOU Use your time to be better, Use it wise because it is your most precious resource A MAP FOR YOUR SUCCESS BELIEVE – while others are doubting PLAN – while others are playing STUDY – while others are sleeping DECIDE – while others are delaying PREPARE – while others are daydreaming BEGIN – while others are procrastinating WORK – while others are wishing SAVE – while others are wasting LISTEN – while others are talking SMILE – while others are frowning COMMEND – while others are criticizing PERSIST – while others are quitting If you want to go somewhere it is best to find someone who has already been there You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win You are the only person on earth who can use your ability
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:32:41 +0000

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