CONTACT YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS - OPPOSE AND ARTICLE V CONVENTION OF STATES. Below is a great analysis: Derrell Poole wrote this good argument OPPOSING call for Convention of States and Amendments Convention. Please read it through and share with your contacts and your legislators - Lark What they call a Convention of States is simply the second option to invoking the Congress to Amend the Constitution. Any Convention to Amend THIS Constitution will be presided over by Congress! No matter WHAT they tell you. I dont trust this Congress - do you? Read Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 where any authority given to Congress by THIS Constitution shall entitle them to make the rules - the laws. They will make all the rules necessary as they see fit for this convention! Natelson, Levin, and other NeoCons who think the States will make the Rules for a Convention to Risking Our Constitution are fooling themselves - and We the People. The First words of Article V are The Congress... Not, We the people. Not the Several States; The Congress... on the application... of the several States, shall call a convention...! This is an authority given to them by THIS Constitution. Our Constitution isnt Broken! The Government doesnt obey the Constitution now! Making Amendments to a Constitution they dont obey now is not going to make any difference. All it will do is add more words, more confusion, more complexity, with which they can contrive even more of our freedom from us. Risking the Constitution to a convention is stupid. Apply THIS Constitution to the government; Make them obey it! That WILL fix this government! When you go and see this guy make sure he tells you of all the liberal groups also pushing for a ConCon. Ask him what Amendments groups from the State of Hawaii are proposing. Ask him why, if this is such a Conservative idea that the supposed Conservative Legislators who met in Indianapolis last year included hard Core Liberals? They cannot achieve the necessary applications WITHOUT the Liberals! Ask him if he personally knows George Soros and all the PACs that man funds who are ALSO calling for a ConCon. Why so if this is such a conservative thing to do? Dont be fooled by this. Mark my words; if we allow this door to be opened we will no longer be the Republic of the United States of America! They CANNOT make you promises that our Constitution is safe in a Convention - once that door opens, they CAN NOT AND Folks, please listen. The Last time there was eminent threat of an actual Constitutional Convention of this magnitude Congress freaked out and pre empted the call by passing two of the worst Amendment we have suffered; 16A and 17A. These two Amendment changed our Nation, fundamentally. The 17 Amendment changed the Senate from a body elected by State Governments to a redundant second House of Representative elected by the people. They stole away States representation in the Federal Government where Article V say ...and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate. This is the single Amendment that could not be added without 100% of the States ratification - their consent to give up their voice in the Government! YET THEY DID IT!!! As soon as 2/3rds of the States ratified 17A they declared it part of the Constitution. Utah outright opposed it and many of the States never ratified it. But they needed 17A so that the 16 Amendment could change how taxes were collected (thru the States) to a direct Taxation of the People - without census or enumeration. Prior to 16A the Federal government could only collect taxes (without special laws passed by Congress) from the States! This limited the Central Government by keeping it from unlimited sources of money! With these two Amendments they wasted no time setting up the Federal Reserve, the IRS, and opening the door to DEMOCRACY and outright socialism! And they did this at the onus of the States! They did this in fear of a Convention of States. The US Congress! Can you imagine the Congress fearing the States? At least they understood the dangers of a Convention and what happened in 1787 when the Convention Delegates were only suppose to revise the Articles of Confederation; where those Delegates threw out the A of C and drew up a completely new Constitution. Fortunately those Delegates were Americanists. Not so in 1913 and most assuredly NOT so in 2015! Dont count on THIS Congress to be as wise as even the Congress in 1913... Write your State Legislature! Demand they oppose ANY application for a States Convention! Professor Natelson is one of those Experts I speak of. He is a Convention of States proponent and will do his subtle best to convince you that this is the only right thing to do. The letters after his name are to convince you that he is very learned and knows better than you do what Article V says. Who taught him what it says? And tell Natelson to take an expert hike! Derrell Poole
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 21:40:25 +0000

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