CONVICTING WASHINGTON D.C. POLITICIANS OF "TREASON." Treason would be very simple to prove...Anyone in Congress, the White House or the Supreme Court who has signed any bill that promoted NAFTA should be tried and convicted for treason. For intentionally trying to economically sabotage the most productive country in the world and promote SLAVERY in other parts of the world. America suffered with a Civil War attempting to eradicate SLAVERY. Politicians, for their own pocketbooks, intentionally promoted an economic plan to ruin America, and that IS TREASON! There is a way for the American People and People around the world to stop being BULLIED by... The Military Industrial Complex The Financial Industrial Complex The Judicial Industrial Complex The Penal System Industrial Complex The Energy Industrial Complex The Chemical Industrial Complex The Healthcare Industrial Complex The Media Industrial Complex... That are now running our Governments and Controlling our Lives... We now have the Necessary Communication Technology to allow "We the People" to CONTROL OUR OWN COUNTRIES AND OUR OWN LIVES... Here is the Plan... blogtalkradio/southdakotadp/2013/06/21/david-frank-bringing-forth-amazing-freedom-tech-on-hohs
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 14:51:23 +0000

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