COUNTRYMEN, FELLOW CITIZENS, BRETHREN AND SISTERS IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD AND MERCIFUL SAVIOUR, FAMILY PEOPLE AND FRIENDS, EVERYONE ELSE THAT DWELLS ON OUR PLANET EARTH, GOOD BLESSED MORNING AND PEACE OF THE LORD OUR EVER FOREVER INDISPUTABLY MIGHTY GOD AND KING OF KINGS SUPREME OF GLORY OF HOSTS TO YOU AND YOU ALL!!!!!!! FAO: HIS VERY DISTINCTIVE EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF AND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND, HER DISTINCTIVE EXCELLENCY MICHELLE OBAMA, MOST IMMACULATE AND DYNAMIC FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!! THIS JUST PURPOSES AND GROUNDS PURPOSED STATEMENT OF RECOMMENDATIONS ARE HEREBY BEING PRESENTED AND ACCORDINGLY SO MEANT FOR THE ATTENTIONS AND PERUSALS OF HIS HIGHLY ESTEEMED AND VERY DISTINCTIVE EXCELLENCY HERE IN THE PERSON OF PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF AND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TOGETHER WITH HER EQUALLY HIGHLY ESTEEMED AND VERY DISTINCTIVE EXCELLENCY MICHELLE OBAMA, FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; AND, HERE, BY THE LETTER AND SPIRIT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND ALSO IN YOUR POSITION AS COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF AND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, YOU DO HAVE THE FULLEST PRESERVES OF STRENGTHS, POWER AND SPIRIT OF MIGHT AND AUTHORITY OVER MATTERS OF STATE AND STATE POLICY DECISIONS AND ACTIONS, FOR THAT MATTER, AND THAT, YOU ARE IN THE LETTER AND SPIRIT OF SAME AS MIRRORED ON THROUGH THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONCURRENTLY, UNSTOPPABLY AND IRRESISTIBLY POSITIONED IN THE PROPER ORDER OF THINGS TO SET IN ORDER, AND IN AN ORDERLY ORDERED ORDER OF ORDERS OF AN ORDER SUPREME THE URGENCY OF THE MOMENT TO ESPOUSE AND ACCORDINGLY ADVANCE THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL; SPECIALLY PURPOSED PURPOSES OUTLINE OF MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEED TO EVOLVE AND EXECUTE SOME KEYKEYED SOLUTIONS TO THE CURRENT (ONGOING) GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN CRISIS:YOU ARE HEREBY REMINDED, YOUR EXCELLENCIES, THAT YOU ARE TO INITIATE AND EXECUTE THESE WEALTH OF MEASURES WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST TRACE(S) OF COMPROMISES OF ANY KIND, IN ANY WAY, WHATSOEVER, AND THESE ARE IN WITH THE LETTER AND SPIRIT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!! BEFORE, AND WELL BEFORE WE SET OUT THESE MEASURES, TO BE FOLLOWED HEREBY, LET US JUST HAVE A CRITICAL LOOK AT, FOR EXAMPLE, ASKING A STRATEGIC STATE INSTITUTION SUCH AS NASA THAT STUDIES THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL NATURE, NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PLANETS, AS IT WERE, TO SHUT DOWN EVEN FOR JUST A SECOND OF THE TIME!!!!!!!WHEN ONE LOOKS AT IT, HERE CRITICALLY SPEAKING AND EMPHASISING; EVERYTHING APPEARS LIKE SOMEONE THAT DELIBERATELY TRIES TO INFLICT PAIN AND AGONY ON SELF, AND HERE DOING SO BY PHYSICALLY CAUSING MANIFEST LUMPS OF INJURIES ON THE SAME SELF!!!!!!!PEOPLE TAKE THE MOST COMPELLING FORCES AND SPIRITED POWERS EXERTED BY LAW FOR GRANTED, BUT THE TRUTH(S) IS THAT FOR ANY ONE TO CAUSE SUCH A STRATEGICALLY PLACED ORGANISATION OF ITS SORT AND KIND SUCH AS NASA TO SHUT DOWN EVEN FOR ONE (1) MINUTE IF NOT RATHER A SECOND OF THE TIME MAY WELL CONSTITUTE A SERIOUS AFFRONT IF NOT NECESSARILY A CRIME AGAINST THE VERY CONSCIENCE9S) OF THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE!!!!!!! WE DO THEREFORE, HERBY ESPOUSED AND ADVANCE THESE RECOMMENDED WEALTH OF MEASURES AS FOLLOWS:!!!!!! 1. SET OUT IN ORDER OF AN ORDERLY ESPOUSED, CRYSTAL CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS AND TIME-SPECIFIC POLICY ACTION NOTIFICATIONS MEANT FOR IMPLEMENTATION BY THE US CONGRESS WHICH IS HEADED BY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY-LED MAJORITY LEADER AND SPEAKER, HERE IN THE PERSON OF HONOURABLE JOHN BOEHNER IN ORDER TO END THE CURRENT SHUTDOWN CRISIS WITH ITS ATTENDANT RAMIFICATIONS FULLY MIRRORED ON THE FATE OF THE ECONOMY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AS WELL AS THE NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE ITS RIPPLING EFFECT (IMPACT) ON THE ECONOMIC HEALTH OF OTHER NATIONS GLOBALLY SPEAKING AND EMPHASISING, AND HERE, IN THIS WISE, (DEADLINE(S) AND AN ULTIMATUM IN THAT REGARD ARE TO BE GIVEN HERE IN ORDER TO KICKSTART AND KEEP UP WITH COMPLIANCE OF SAME)!!!!!!!THERE IS ALSO THE NEED FOR THE PRESIDENT TO CAUSE THE BUDGET TO BE PASSED BY CLOSE OF DAY AND TIME WITHIN A SPECIFIED TIMEFRAME AND SCHEDULE; AND IN THIS CONTEXT, A KIND OF INSTRUCTIONS THAT ARE TO COMPEL HIM, HERE IN REFERENCE TO HONOURABLE JOHN BOEHNER THE SPEAKER OF THE US CONGRESS AND HIS OFFICE TO COMPLY FULLY WITH SUCH POLICY DIRECTIVES AND ORDERS FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT WITHOUT ANY FURTHER UNNECESSARY DELAY(S) AND LIKEWISE SUCH OTHER VARIOUSLY IRRELEVANT ARGUMENTS AND DISPUTES THAT MAY WELL ORIGINATE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER, AND THAT FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH SUCH POLICY ACTION-RELATED INSTRUCTIONS, ORDERS AND DIRECTIVES ACCORDINGLY MAY WELL SIGNAL AND IMPLIEDLY CONSTITUTE SOME MANIFEST CRIMINALITY-RELATED OFFENCES AGAINST THE STATE; AND IN THIS CASE, SOMETHING SOMEWHAT LIKENED TO AN UNWARRANTED AFFRONT AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL AGAINST STATE LAW AND CONSCIENCE OF STATE LAW FOR THAT MATTER SUPREME WOULD APPLY, AND MUST BE SEEN IN THE GUISE OF THE MATTER, AS SUCH!!!!!!IT IS ALL JUST TOO EASY FOR ONE TO OVERLOOK THE VERY NATURE OF THESE MATTERS THAT IS CURRENTLY HAPPENING HERE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; AND EVEN POSSIBLY THINKING AND BELIEVING SUCH TO BE SO, THAT THE MAJORITY LEADER AND SPEAKER OF THE US CONGRESS HAS THE POWER AS WELL AS THE RIGHT TO CONDUCT HIMSELF AND HIS OFFICE IN THIS WAY AND MANNER, WITHOUT ANYONE HAVING WHAT IT TAKES TO QUESTION HIM ON ANY WELL DEFINED GROUNDS, WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!QUITE SO MUCH SO VERY CONTRARY TO THIS RATHER UNFORTUNATE THINKING IS THE IDEA, IN THAT, IT IS ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT MAKING MATTERS QUITE CLEAR HERE AND NOW, THAT THE NEED FOR PEACE, ORDER, UNITY OF PURPOSE, AMONG OTHER THINGS CONSTITUTE SOME IF NOT COMPLETELY ALL OF THE THINGS WE NEED TO NURTURE AND DEFEND AS PREREQUISITES FOR SMOOTH AND GREATER-ENDS AND PURPOSES DEFINED NATION BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT AGENDA AS A NATION!!!!!!!FOR, SUCH ARE THE MOST MEMORABLE LEGACIES THAT WERE LEFT BEHIND BY OUR FOUNDING FATHERS, AND THEREFORE ANYONE THAT TRIES TO UNDERMINE SUCH VALUES AND PRINCIPLES OF STATE POLICY HANDLING AND ADMINISTRATION WITH IMPUNITY, AND UNDER THE GUISES OF MANIFEST INTRANSIGENCE OF ITS KIND AND SORT MUST BE MADE TO EXPLAIN HIMSELF OR HERSELF BEFORE THE LAWS OF STATE!!!!!!!THE MOST ABSOLUTELY ENCIRCLING QUESTION THAT COMES ON THROUGH THE VERY CORE OF THESE MATTERS IS ABOUT ASKING THE MOST REVEALING RHETORICAL QUESTION: HOW COULD THE ECONOMY OF A GREAT NATION AND ECONOMIC GIANT SUCH AS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BE MADE TO SUFFER THE INTRANSIGENCE OF ONE PERSON, EVEN FOR ONE HOUR, AND ACCORDINGLY THINK, THAT IT IS NOTHING ABOUT WHICH ONE IS TO CONSIDER BOTHERING SELF?!!!!!!! 2. BOLDLY AND INFORMEDLY SET OUT IN ORDER OF SUCH ORDERS POLICY DECISIONS AND ACTIONS-LED INSTRUCTIONS THAT WOULD COMPEL HONOURABLE JOHN BOEHNER THE MAJORITY LEADER AND SPEAKER OF THE US CONGRESS TO PAY THE BILLS OF STATE AS SOON AS PRACTICALLY POSSIBLE, AND IN THIS WISE AND CASE ALSO; DEADLINES AND TIME SPECIFIED PROPOSALS AND INDICATIONS MUST BE SPELT OUT AND INCLUDED AS A MEANS OF ENSURING, THAT CHECKS AND BALANCES ARE EASED FORTH TO THE FORE TO HELP AUGMENT ORDERLY MONITORING AND CONTROL OF THE VARIOUS PROCESSES INVOLVED, HERE IN RELATION TO SUCH VERY IMPORTANT MATTERS OF STATE SUCH AS THE ONE THAT RELATES TO THE NATIONAL HEALTH CARE POLICY ACTIONS DOCUMENT WHICH HAD CONTRIBUTED, HERE IN NO SMALL MEASURE TO THE CURRENT (ONGOING) GOVERNMENT BUSINESS SHUTDOWN!!!!!!! 3. SET OUT IN WRITING ALL OTHER POLICY ACTIONS, ORDERS AND INSTRUCTIONS THAT WOULD HELP, IN NO SMALL MEASURE, AT ENSURING, THAT ALL OTHER IMPORTANT MATTERS THAT REQUIRE ACTION BY THE MEMBERSHIP AND LEADERSHIP OF THE US CONGRESS ARE COMPLIED WITH AND IN FULL ACCORDING TO THE FULLEST OF DICTATES OF LETTER AND OF SPIRIT OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!! 4. THAT HIS EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA IS TO TAKE NOTE; HERE IN THIS PERSPECTIVE, THAT IN SPITE OF ANY POWERS GIVEN TO THE US CONGRESS IN RELATION TO MATTERS OF STATE POLICY AND POLICY ACTIONS ORDER AND PURPOSE, IT IS WORTH RECOGNISING HERE, THAT THE FACTS OF WEALTH OF POWERS OF ORDERLY AND PROPERLY GROUNDED REASONING INTO MATTERS OF LAW AND STATE LAW FOR THAT MATTER, SHOWS, THAT YOU, YOUR EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA STILL HAVE THE FINAL AUTHORITY IN YOUR POSITION AS COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF AND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO PROTECT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; IMPLIEDLY MEANING HERE, THAT YOU HOLD THE ULTIMATE AND WELL-DEFINED MANDATES OF STATE POWER AND ITS EXECUTION, TO HELP ENSURE, THAT ALL THREE (3) ARMS OF GOVERNMENT ARE IN FACT DOING THEIR RESPECTIVE JOBS ACCORDING TO THE FULLEST OF DICTATES OF STATE LAW, AND TO THIS END, YOU ARE REQUIRED IN THE LETTER AND SPIRIT OF SAME TO TAKE STEPS THAT MUST AIM AT MAKING SURE, THAT NONE OF THESE ARMS OF GOVERNMENT DOES ANYTHING THAT HAS THE RATHER UNFORTUNATE AND UNWARRANTED CAPACITY AS WELL AS THE TENDENCY TO WRECK THE GOODWILLS AND TRUSTS REPOSED IN YOU AND YOURSELVES BY THE PEOPLE ON WHOSE VERY BEHALF YOU DO REPRESENT AND POSITION YOURSELVES AS LEADERS IN GOVERNMENT, HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!! 5. AS A REMINDER, WE PROPOSE, THAT THE PRESIDENT OFFICIALLY ASKS THE US CONGRESS TO OPEN THE GOVERNMENT AS SOON AS PRACTICALLY POSSIBLE, AND IN DOING SO, THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF IS TO SET OUT IN MOTION A TIME SPECIFIC SCHEDULE WITHIN WHICH THIS CURRENT SHUTDOWN IS TO END WITHOUT ANY FURTHER DELAYS, FOR EXAMPLE, GIVING THE SPEAKER AN ULTIMATUM OF FIVE-SEVEN (5-7) WORKING DAYS WITHIN WHICH TO COMPLY!!!!!!!THIS IS TO BE DONE AGAINST THE BACKDROP OF THE IDEA, THAT FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY WELL CONSTITUTE AN OFFENCE AGAINST THE STATE, AND ALSO AS AN AFFRONT ON THE CONSCIENCES OF THE STATE, INCLUDING, AS IT WERE, THE WILLING WILLS AND CONSCIENCES OF THE PEOPLE!!!!!FOR, THE POWER AND SPIRIT OF PERSUASION HAD SINCE TIME BEGAN FAILED TO WORK COMPLETELY; HERE ON THE PART OF THE MAJORITY LEADER AND SPEAKER OF THE US CONGRESS, AND THAT IT IS TO BE REMEMBERED THAT PERSUASION IS VARIOUSLY SPEAKING AND EMPHASISING NOT TO BE CONSIDERED AS A NECESSARY OPTION WORTH LOOKING AT UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES, ANYMORE!!!!!!!!! 6. THAT IT IS TO BE NOTED, THAT LOTS OF WORK NEED TO BE DONE AS FAR AS THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS CONCERNED!!!!!!!HOWEVER, THE PRESIDENT STILL HAS THE OPPORTUNITY AS WELL AS THE RIGHT OF OFFICE IN THE FULLEST TO ADVANCE TO THE FORE SUCH LAWS, ACTS AND DECREES THAT MAY WELL BE DONE THROUGH THE COURTS OF LAW SUCH AS THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND HERE DOING SO IN SOME SORTS OF CONSULTATIONS WITH THE CHIEF JUSTICE, OFFICE OF THE VICE-PRESIDENT AND OTHER STAKEHOLDERS OF STATE!!!!!!! 7. IT WORTH OBSERVING, AND LIKEWISE ACKNOWLEDGING SOME LEVELS AND WEALTH OF THREADS OF TRUTH, AND OF FACT, THAT IT IS NOT TO BE HEARD AT ANY IMAGINABLE CORRIDORS OF LAW, AND, HERE, IN THE MOST REVEALING REFERENCES TO STATE LAW, THAT SOMEONE THAT OCCUPIES THE POSITION OF A SPEAKER IN PARLIAMENT OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL BODY SUCH AS THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS IN THIS PARTICULAR-SPECIFIC CASE, COULD INITIATE, ADVANCE AND ACCORDINGLY SHOW INTENTS AND ACTS OF INTRANSIGENCE AND IMPUNITY OF OFFICE THAT HAS THE RATHER UNFORTUNATE, DESTABILISING CAPACITY AS WELL AS THE MOST DANGEROUS TENDENCY TO HARM THE VERY SOUL OF A NATION SUCH AS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; AND HERE, EVEN FOR JUST ONE HOUR, JUST ONE (1) HOUR MUST CONSTITUTE SOMETHING OF A CRIMINAL OFFENCE AGAINST THE VERY CONSCIENCE OF THE NATION AND PEOPLES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND HERE AT THE SAME TIME EXPECTING PEOPLE TO REASON WITH AND ALONGSIDE SUCH VARIOUSLY RIDICULOUS AND INDISPUTABLY UNCONSCIONABLE LEANINGS IN POLITICS, AS IT WERE!!!!!!!THE SPEAKER OF SUCH AN IMPORTANT STATE INSTITUTION SUCH AS THE US CONGRESS IS VARIOUSLY SO EXPECTED TO BE THE OVERALL CREDIBLE VOICE AND MOUTHPIECE OF THE PEOPLE, AND HERE, IN OTHER WORDS, HE (THE MAJORITY LEADER AND SPEAKER) IS VARIOUSLY EXPECTED TO BE THE MOST CREDIBLE AND INTEGRITY-DRIVEN VOICE OF THE CONSCIENCES OF THE PEOPLE, SUCH THAT, ASSUMING THE WHOLE HOUSE IS IMAGINABLY UNABLE TO SPEAK ANYTHING WORTHWHILE (OF VALUE) IN THE HOUSE, HE IS IN MANY WAYS AND PERSPECTIVES EXPECTED BY THE IMPLIEDLY SPIRITED LAWS OF THE LAW; AND THAT SUCH A CIRCUMSTANCE MAY NOT EVEN SUGGEST LET ALONE CONCLUDE AND AUGMENT ANYTHING SUGGESTIVE OF ANY CREDIBLE INCLINATIONS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS TO JUSTICE AND ORDER OF THE JUST CAUSES OF STATE, AS IT WERE, THAT THE HOUSE MAY BE FOUND WANTING, IN THE AREA OF DECISION MAKING, IN ANY WAY, WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!IT FOLLOWS, AND, IT IS ABSOLUTELY WORTH THE WHILE AS SAYING, THAT ANY INTENTS AND ACTS OF INTRANSIGENCE, POSSIBLY SOME MEASURE OF INCOMPETENCE ON THE PART OF THE SPEAKER OF THE US CONGRESS POSSIBLY OWING TO LACK OF PROPER GRASPS WITH THE FULLEST OF WEIGHT OF THE GOODWILL, ESSENCE AND ORDER OF STATE LAW EXECUTION AND POLICY ACTIONS AND DELIVERY SERVICES MAY WELL AMOUNT TO SUCH CONDUCTS ABOUT WHICH THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF AND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE HAS A CONSTITUTIONALLY ESPOUSED AND SPIRITEDLY IMPLIED MANDATE AND DUTY TO DEAL WITH SUCH ILLS OF OUR SOCIETY, AND HERE VERY WELL AND TIMELY SO BEFORE ANYTHING WORTH IMAGINING BECOMES JUST TOO LATE!!!!!!!FOR, ANY INTENTS AND ACTS OF ANY PERSON IN NO SMALL A NATION SUCH AS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THAT INVARIABLY TRIES TO HOLD THE ECONOMY OF THE STATE TO RANSOM FOR NO APPARENT REASONS AND/OR JUSTIFICATIONS MUST BE SEEN AS COMMITTING ACTS THAT ARE IN THE FULLEST OF AFFRONTS WITH STATE LAW AND POLICY!!!!!!!UNDER SUCH VARIOUSLY NATION STATE DESTABILISING CIRCUMSTANCES, THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF AND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA HAS A CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE AND DUTY BACKED BY THE LAW ESTABLISHING AND EXACTING HIS OFFICE IN SAME, AND IN SAMENESS OF SPIRIT AND ORDER, AND TO ORDER INTO BEING THE NEED TO TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS AND MEASURES THAT WOULD PUT AN END TO ANY FORESEEABLE RAMIFICATIONS OF RECKLESSNESS, INEFFICIENCY AND LACK OF CREDIBILITY AND INTEGRITY OF OFFICE OF THAT ORDER!!!!!!!THE MOST REVEALING IMPLICATIONS HERE ARE THAT THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF AND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, HERE IN REFERENCE, AND IN RELATION TO THIS PARTICULAR CASE HAS THE POWER TO COMPEL THE SPEAKER TO COMPLY WITH WHAT MAY WELL BE DESCRIBED HERE AS COMMONSENSE APPROACH EXECUTIVE OFFICE POLICY ACTIONS AND MEASURES OR CAUSE THAT MAY WELL WARRANT THE NEED FOR THE HOUSE (US CONGRESS FOR THAT MATTER) TO APPOINT A NEW SPEAKER FROM AMONGST THE MAJORITY OF THE HOUSE!!!!!!!IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT-JUST LIKE READING THE ALPHABETS: A, B, C, D, ETC, AND IN THAT ORDER OF THE ORDER WHICH IS THE ORDER AND ORDER SUPREME OF ORDER OF THE LAND!!!!!!!SPEAKING, SPEAKING, SPEAKING, SPEAKING, SPEAKING, SPEAKING, SPEAKING, AND, EMPHATICALLY SO SPEAKING AND SUBMITTING SUCH AS ONE OF THE MOST DIVINE SOURCES PROVOKED ILLUMINATIONS OF THE TIMES, AS IT WERE, BEING DELIVERED FOR OUR CLARION CALLING ATTENTIONS JUST AS IT WERE DECREED AND DECREED AS ORDERED TO THE FORE BY AN ORDER AND AN ORDERLY ORDERED ORDER AND ORDER SUPREME OF AN ORDER OF GOD THE MOST HIGH, THE LORD EVER FOREVER SOVEREIGN KING AND KING OF KINGS OF GLORY OF ISRAEL, THE LORD GOD SUPREME OF HOSTS, AND SPEAKING HERE AS THE JUST-JUDGING JUST JUSTICES JUSTICE DIVINE ADVOCATES JUDGE GENERAL OF THE MOST HIGH GOD OF THE HEAVENS; AND DOING SO ON THIS DAY THE 16TH DAY OF THIS BLESSED 10TH MONTH OF THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 2013, AT 10:23 AM AND 11:32 AM RESPECTIVELY, HERE IN THE CITY OF LONDON, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!!COPYRIGHTED ON THIS DAY THE 16TH DAY OF THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 2013, AT 10:23 AM, HERE IN THE CITY OF LONDON, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNDER THE PRESCRIPTIVE PROVISIONS OF INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHTS LAWS, STATUTES AND INSTRUMENTS AS ACCORDINGLY BY LAW EXACT IN CONTENT, AS IT WERE, OF WORDED WORDS OF THE WORDS, EXACTED BY SO DOING IN PRINCIPLE AS IN MIRRORED IN THE UNDERSCORING LAWS OF LAW OF THE LAW AND, BY SAME AS IN THE ALL-ENCOMPASSING CONSTRUCTS, BRIDGES, ABRIDGED BRIDGES AND SYNCHRONICITY-INFORMED DICTATES OF LAW, AS IT WERE, BY WEALTH OF TREASURIES OF LAW OF THE LAW OF LAWS AS ESTABLISHED)!!!!!!!TIMED AT 10:23 AM AND 11:32 AM RESPECTIVELY, ON THIS BLESSED DAY THE 16TH DAY OF THIS BLESSED MONTH OF OCTOBER, 2013, HERE IN THE CITY OF LONDON, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!! 8. LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST, IN THIS CASE, HIS MOST ESTEEMED AND MOST DISTINCTIVE EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA TOGETHER WITH HER MOST ESTEEMED AND MOST DISTINCTIVE EXCELLENCY HERE IN THE PERSON OF MICHELLE OBAMA THE FIRST OF THE FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, COULD ORGANISE A NATIONAL GET TOGETHER GATHERING OF THE PEOPLE (CITIZENS0 OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, JUST LIKE THE LIKES OF THE SUPERBOWL SPORTS MEETING!!!!!!! 9. THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF AND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, HERE IN REFERENCE TO YOU, YOUR MOST ESTEEMED AND DISTINCTIVE EXCELLENCY MAY WELL IN YOUR OWN PRESIDENTIAL PREROGATIVES, PRESERVES AND DISCRETIONS CONSIDER DOING ANY OTHER THINGS THAT COULD END THIS SHUTDOWN CRISIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND NOW, AND ALSO THE NEED TO CREATE, NURTURE, SECURE AND DEFEND VARIOUS PREVENTIVE MEASURES THAT ARE TO HELP GUARD AGAINST ANY SUCH OCCURRENCES IN THE FUTURE!!!!!!!IN FURTHERANCE OF THESE MEASURES AS HERE ESPOUSED, PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING POWERS OF OFFICE TO WHICH YOU ARE TO SOURCE AND CONSCIENTIOUSLY EXECUTE THE VERY LOTS OF OPTIONS OPEN TO YOU UNDER THE PREVAILING CIRCUMSTANCES, AND, AS EARLIER ON INDICATED, DO NOT BY ANY REASONS OR GROUNDS OF COMPROMISE LEAVE ANY STONE UNTURNED:!!!!!!! From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The President of the United States has numerous powers, including those explicitly granted by Article II of the Constitution, implied powers, powers granted by Acts of Congress, and enormous influence and soft power from his position as leader of the United States. Powers of the President: The President is the commander of the armed forces. He may also call for the opinion of his cabinet. He may grant reprieves (temporary delays in punishment} and pardons (complete forgiveness of a crime and its punishment). Treaties must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the Senate. The president appoints ambassadors, ministers, consuls, and other officers as allowed by Congress with approval of the Senate. The president can fill vacancies in offices without Senate approval if the Senate is out of session. Duties of the President: 1. The speeches the president gives to Congress are called the State of the Union address. 2. The president can suggest that Congress pass certain legislation.3. He can convene (call into official session) one or both houses. This has been done to deal with national emergencies. 4. If the House and Senate cannot agree on adjournment, the president can intervene. 5. The president receives ambassadors and public ministers of foreign powers. The Process of Impeachment: The president can be impeached for aiding an enemy; giving or accepting money, gift, or favors illegally; serious crimes; or bad behavior.Within the executive branch itself, the President has broad powers to manage national affairs and the workings of the federal government. The President can issue rules, regulations, and instructions called executive orders, which have the binding force of law upon federal agencies but do not require congressional approval. According to the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, the president is also responsible for preparing the Budget of the United States, although the Congress must approve it.[1] The Office of Management and Budget assists the President with the preparation of the budget. In the past (but no longer), the President was able to impound funds as he saw fit. The power was available to all presidents up to and including Richard Nixon, and was regarded as a power inherent to the office. The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 was passed in response to large scale exercise of the power by President Nixon. This act also created the Congressional Budget Office as a legislative counterpoint to the Office of Management and Budget. As Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the United States, the president may also call into federal service the state units of the National Guard. In times of war or national emergency, the Congress may grant the president even broader powers to manage the national economy and protect the security of the United States, but these are not powers granted by the Constitution to the president. During the Vietnam War in 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Act to severely limit the ability of the President to conduct warfare without Congressional approval. Congress has the power to declare the war (Article 1, sec 8), but if the president needs to send the troops to other countries for hostile reasons, he will need congressional confirmation within 48 hours. For any time beyond 60 days, further congressional approval will be required. The President has several options when a bill arrives on his desk from Congress: If he agrees with the bill, then it is signed into law within ten days of receipt. If the president opposes the bill, he can veto it and return the legislation to Congress with a veto message offering suggested changes. Presidents must approve all of a bill or none of it; they do not have the ability to veto only selected parts. If the Congress is still in session for ten business days after the president receives the bill, the legislation will become a law without the presidents signature. But, if Congress adjourns within the ten business days of giving the bill to the President, the bill dies. If the president does this to a bill, Congress can do nothing to override the president. This is called a pocket veto. In 1996, Congress gave President Bill Clinton a line-item veto over parts of a bill that require spending federal funds. The Supreme Court ruled that Clintons use of the veto against a pork barrel appropriation for New York City was unconstitutional. The Court ruled in Clinton v. New York City that only a constitutional amendment could give the president the line item veto power. The President can also issue a signing statements with a bill that he has signed. In a signing statement, the President may express his opinion on the constitutionality of some provisions of a bill (such as those that intrude on executive power) and declare that those provisions will not be enforced. The Supreme Court has not addressed the use of signing statements by the President. Congress can override vetoes with a two-thirds vote of both chambers, but this process is difficult and relatively rare. The threat of a presidential veto is usually sufficient to force Congress to modify a bill so that the President is willing to sign it. Much of the legislation dealt with by Congress is drafted at the initiative of the executive branch. In annual and special messages to Congress, the president may propose legislation he believes is necessary. The most important of these is the annual State of the Union address. Before a joint session of Congress, the president outlines the status of the country and his legislative proposals for the upcoming year. If Congress should adjourn without acting on those proposals, the president has the power to call it into special session. But beyond this official role, the president, as head of a political party and as principal executive officer of the United States government, is primarily in a position to influence public opinion and thereby to influence the course of legislation in Congress. To improve their working relationships with Congress, presidents in recent years have set up an Office of Legislative Affairs. Presidential aides keep abreast of all important legislative activities. The President of the United States has several different appointment powers. Before taking office, the President-elect must appoint more than 6,000 new federal positions.[citation needed] The appointments range from top officials at U.S. government agencies, to the White House Staff, and members of the United States diplomatic corps. Many, but not all, of these positions are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the United States Senate. The President also has the power to nominate federal judges, including members of the United States Courts of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court. However, these nominations do require Senate confirmation, and this can provide a major stumbling block for Presidents who wish to shape their federal judiciary in a particular ideological stance. The President must appoint judges for the United States District Courts, but he will not often defer to Senatorial courtesy in making these choices. As head of the executive branch, the President must appoint the top officials for all of the federal agencies. These positions are listed in the Plum Book which outlines more than 7,000 appointive positions in the government. Many of these appointments are made by the President. In the case of ten agencies, the President is free to appoint a new agency head at his pleasure. For example, it is not unusual for the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency or the NASA Administrator to be changed by the President. Other agencies that deal with federal regulation such as the Federal Reserve Board or the Securities and Exchange Commission have set terms that will often outlast the time a President sits in office. For example, the members of the Federal Reserve board serve for twelve years. This is to ensure that these agencies can act independently of political control. The President also appoints members to the boards of directors for government-owned corporations such as Amtrak. The President can also make a recess appointment if a position needs to be filled while Congress is not in session. In the past, Presidents had the power to appoint all members of the United States civil service. This use of the spoils system allowed Presidents to reward political supporters with jobs. Following the assassination of President James Garfield by Charles J. Guiteau, a disgruntled office seeker, Congress instituted a merit-based civil service in which positions are filled on a nonpartisan basis. The Office of Personnel Management now oversees the staffing of 2.8 million federal jobs in the federal bureaucracy. The President must also appoint his staff of aides, advisers, and assistants. These individuals are political appointments and are not subject to review by the Senate. All members of the staff serve at the pleasure of the President..[2][3] Since 1995, the President has been required to submit an annual report to Congress listing the name and salary of every White House Office employee. The report for 2011 lists 454 employees, and can be viewed on the White House web site[4] See also: List of people pardoned or granted clemency by the President of the United States Article II of the United States Constitution gives the President the power of clemency. The two most commonly used clemency powers are those of pardon and commutation. A pardon is an official forgiveness for an acknowledged crime. Once a pardon is issued, all punishment for the crime is waived. The person accepting the pardon must, however, acknowledge that the crime did take place. The President maintains the Office of the Pardon Attorney in the United States Department of Justice to review all requests for pardons. Most pardons are issued as oversight of the judicial branch, especially in cases where Federal Sentencing Guidelines are considered too severe for the crime committed. Other pardons have been much more controversial because there was political motivation. This power can check the legislative and judicial branches by altering punishment for crimes. Presidents can issue blanket amnesty which forgives entire groups of people for a crime. President Jimmy Carter offered amnesty to Vietnam War draftees who fled to Canada. Presidents can also issue temporary suspension of prosecution or punishment in the form of respites. This power is most commonly used to delay federal sentences of execution. The President can also commute a sentence which, in effect, changes the punishment to time served. While the guilty party may be released from custody or not have to serve out a prison term, all other punishments still apply. President George W. Bush commuted the sentence of White House staffer Lewis Scooter Libby. Under the Constitution, the president is the federal official that is primarily responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations. The president appoints ambassadors, ministers, and consuls —subject to confirmation by the Senate—and receives foreign ambassadors and other public officials. With the secretary of state, the president manages all official contacts with foreign governments. On occasion, the president may personally participate in summit conferences where heads of state meet for direct consultation. Thus, President Woodrow Wilson headed the American delegation to the Paris conference at the end of World War I; President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with Allied leaders during World War II; and every president since then has sat down with world leaders to discuss economic and political issues and to reach agreements.Through the Department of State and the Department of Defense, the president is responsible for the protection of Americans abroad and of foreign nationals in the United States. The president decides whether to recognize new nations and new governments, and negotiate treaties with other nations, which become binding on the United States when approved by two-thirds of the Senate. The president may also negotiate executive agreements with foreign powers that are not subject to Senate confirmation. Over the years, Presidents have claimed to have emergency powers in times of crisis. These Inherent Powers have been used both at home and overseas. The most common use of emergency powers is to declare a state of emergency which allows the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to bypass normal administrative and jurisdictional rules. Declarations of emergency can also provide special federal aid such as during the Flood of 1993 along the Mississippi River or in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. President Abraham Lincoln used his emergency powers to suspend the writ of habeas corpus in Maryland during the American Civil War. President Harry Truman was also denied emergency powers by the Court in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer when he tried to nationalize the nations steel mills. Executive privilege gives the President the ability to withhold information from the public, Congress, and the courts in matters of national security. George Washington first claimed privilege when Congress requested to see Chief Justice John Jays notes from an unpopular treaty negotiation with Great Britain. While not enshrined in the Constitution, Washingtons action created the precedent for privilege. When Richard Nixon tried to use executive privilege as a reason for not turning over subpoenaed evidence to Congress for the Watergate hearings, the Supreme Court ruled in United States v. Nixon that privilege did not apply in cases where a President was attempting to avoid criminal prosecution. Later President Bill Clinton lost in federal court when he tried to assert privilege in the Lewinsky affair. The Supreme Court affirmed this in Clinton v. Jones which denied the use of privilege in cases of civil suits as well. Because of the vast array of presidential roles and responsibilities, coupled with a conspicuous presence on the national and international scene, political analysts have tended to place great emphasis on the presidents powers. Some have even spoken of the imperial presidency, referring to the expanded role of the office that Franklin D. Roosevelt maintained during his term. President Theodore Roosevelt famously called the presidency a bully pulpit from which to raise issues nationally, for when a president raises an issue, it inevitably becomes subject to public debate. A presidents power and influence may be limited, but politically the president is certainly the most important power in Washington and, furthermore, is one of the most famous and influential of all Americans. Though constrained by various other laws passed by Congress, the Presidents executive branch conducts most foreign policy, and his power to order and direct troops as commander-in-chief is quite significant (the exact limits of what a President can do with the military without Congressional authorization are open to debate).The Separation of Powers devised by the founding fathers was designed to do one primary thing: to prevent the majority from ruling with an iron fist. Based on their experience, the framers shied away from giving any branch of the new government too much power. The separation of powers provides a system of shared power known as Checks and Balances (see Separation of powers). For example, the President appoints judges and departmental secretaries, but these appointments must be approved by the Senate. The president can veto bills, or deny them. If he does that, the bill is sent back to Congress. 10. 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Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 04:33:29 +0000

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