CRIMES OF HONOR The National Geographic magazine says that - TopicsExpress


CRIMES OF HONOR The National Geographic magazine says that every year thousands of women are killed because of Honour Other examples of Muslims killing because of honor: Muslim father kills his two daughters because religion - * Fox News also reported Iraqi father kills his daughter 20 years old for not following Islamic values Palestinian sentenced to 16 years for killing her sister - * more info here. These are just a small example of the huge size of the problem. If you have the stomach to look at this list below, then go ahead. Also look at the last page of photos. It is worth taking a look to see the size of the problem. Long list of honor killings committed by Muslims. For why is it that all these Muslims forget all the teachings of Islam of peace? Does Islam really condemns this type of domestic violence? Where is the evidence? This type of disculpas are very common however are FALSE. The reason for the murder was because his wife did not want to behave in Islamic patterns and he said that the Quran was telling him to kill (see yourself in Suras 2:191, 4:89, 9:5, 9:29, 47 4, etc.).. The killer knew the Quran and that is what scares me. As shown above, the honor killings are very common among Muslims. But will the Muslim countries punish honor killings? Honour crimes are very common in Islamic countries, and is encouraged by the fact that the killers most often receive light sentences and ridiculous compared to other types of murderers. For example Syria scrapped a law limiting the penalties for honor killings. With the new law a man can benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honor, since he meets a term of imprisonment not less than two years Thats right: two years in prison for murder! In Islamic countries these types of crimes are not thing it would be. In 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted AGAINST reasons Islamic law a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. The Islamic Al-Jazeera reported that Islamists and conservatives claim that these laws violate religious traditions and would destroy family values. In a manual of Islamic law certified by Al-Azhar University (Egypt) as the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills another human being intentionally and without reason. However says:. Not subject to retaliation, the father or mother (or grandfathers or grandmothers) by KILL your children, or your childrens children (al-Salik Umdat Ø1.1-2). In other words, the Muslim who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law. Its why these honor killings are so common in Islamic countries and where the Islamic community grows. They are widely tolerated, even encouraged by Islamic teachings and by the lack of punishment of these crimes
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:02:49 +0000

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