CURRENT DAY OF THE MALE/FEMALE RELATION-SHIP According to me I, like most people know more divorced/separated people than married. The very few marriages I do know ..... none come to mind as being something worthy of duplication. Tolerating each other, still there because of habit. Divorce nation, is like the fact that my 1990z born children were in school with gay classmates in middle school so its popular and now common, not as shocking as it would be to my generation. Divorce is not a big deal now, once taboo but everybody done it now. From experiencing conversations and some times just listening, I think there is a gender war. Easy to manipulate a dumb down populous to carry on functions not in their best interest. Most men that are married I talked to do not plan to do it again. Many never married and do not plan to do it at all. Women are the only ones with wedding dreams for they come out on top most of the time if there is a dissolution of that union. We generations deep in single parenting. Whats my role and what is yours? Marriage promises nothing and the only thing that changes is the aesthetics of the ring finger! Perverted by the state, its not honored its capitalized [$] on! QUESTIONS? [1] What is the most common relationships you currently form; serious, friends-with-benefits, etc? [2] Do you have a frequency of shacking? [3] Do you have arrangements of specialty; he/she know how to have fun, the good-time link in the chain, he/she know how to cook or fix things? [4] If you with someone, do they have life partner potential or just chilling with that one until a better suitor comes? [5] Are you looking for something serious, are you looking for marriage? CONCLUSION [I see social controls in full effect] So if I have sounded harsh over the years on the male/female relationship it is because Im going to pro-act on what I observe and plan accordingly. Reputation in the community was an assist back in the day when there was almost a theocratic society [blue light laws], we cared about our reputation. If there were no vows broken then the judge would not divorce a couple so some couples that wanted a divorce would lie and admit/say one cheated. 1969 the irreconcilable differences OUT was added to the books along with the family law section of law. I can write for a while if I keep thinking of the many variables that play a part. The male/female relationship can use a great reform for our thoughts and action about and towards each other is keeping all of us in the fox hole in this gender war. We are pawns and being played against each other. Unfortunately, I got to play the cards Im dealt as they appear to me, limited function arrangements. In logic I filter the world and I do not see the value in making a connection according to the time Im living. Im hard to impress the bar is high so I structure an arrangement that requires little of that woman. Keeping full-disclosure. I structure my life not inviting no one that can pause or hold me up. For example, I make my product, I made the website, I market, I sale, I make the labels. Too many people in this world their word dont mean sht and they feel they have the right to change their mind after giving their word. No, you are a lying unreliable bastard to me! My anal retentive discipline makes the bar high. I dont like being disappointed so its always on me only.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 04:57:31 +0000

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