Cadet Josh Bruneau Imagine looking up into the sky one day, and - TopicsExpress


Cadet Josh Bruneau Imagine looking up into the sky one day, and just briefly seeing the shape of an aircraft. One second it’s there, the next it is gone. That is about all you would see of the Super Arrow, because this fighter would be the most technically advanced and the fastest fighter in the world. It would be better than the F-35 and the F-18 combined, and would certainly win at any combat mission that it came to. But, above all, it would give our country and every single citizen a sense of pride, knowing that our country build that fighter. The most technically advanced aircraft in the world to ever take the skies. It is really only common sense that we would carry through with the Super Arrow Project. Mr. Joe Green has done a lot of work and has committed countless hours to designing the Super Arrow. On the simulators and on the drawing board, from what I see and what I have heard, his work has paid off. If we were to carry through with this, Canada would be several steps ahead of every other country in the world in regards to aviation warfare, and in the case of another World War, the Canadians would certainly triumph. Currently, Canada has 79 McDonald Douglas F-18’s, which are too old, have many hours and are nearing retirement. The Canadian government is still debating whether or not to purchase 65 Lockheed Martin F35s. That is 144 American made aircraft to protect Canada’s airways in the event of a terrorist attack or enemy invasion. I know of many Canadian Forces members, and Canadian citizens, myself included, that all agree that 65 aircraft (when we retire the McDonald Douglas F-18’s) is nowhere near the amount of aircraft needed to defend the second biggest country in the world. What would happen if, in a war, we lost 5 fighters, and 10 were unserviceable due to maintenance? We would then be looking at just 50 Canadian owned fighters to defend our huge land. So, let’s keep our land “Glorious and Free” and build the Super Arrow, so we have more defence, and Canadian owned fighters. As it says in the video for pilots on the CF website: ( “To fly with the Air Force is the dream of many young Canadians, and the destiny of the chosen few” So, why don’t we give those chosen few Canadian’s an opportunity to fly more than 65 American made fighters? I know that it has been my dream to become a fighter pilot since I was 4 years old. Now, I am 16 and a Flight Sergeant in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets. I am going for my Glider Pilot’s Scholarship this summer, and my dream is so much closer to becoming a reality. Soon, I will be of the Royal Military College to get my Aviation Technology Degree, and hopefully, will look forward to eventually being trained to fly the Super Arrow. We had this chance to have an futuristically advanced Fighter once before with the Avro Arrow, so please, do not make the same mistake and not accept the Super Arrow Project that Mr. Joe Green has put so much effort into. Every single time I go to the bank, I look at my interest rate for my “High” Interest Savings Account. “High” Interest being a whopping 4%, and that is the best someone can get for free. So imagine, turning on the TV seeing on the news that all of our country’s economy issues have been solved. That could become a reality rather than a dream with the Super Arrow. The Super Arrow would create thousands of jobs, from planning it, to building it, to testing it, to marinating it, and finally, to flying it! Thousands of Canadians looking for a paycheck would get one, because the Super Arrow would supply that. Right now, Canada is looking at a total cost of 45 billion dollars for 65 American made Lockheed Martin F35’s, and according to CBC, ( not only is Canada not 100% committed to buying the Lockheed Martin F35, it’s going to cost an extra 20 million dollars per plane and 2 million dollars per helmet to fly the thing! That is $87 million dollars per plane, including the helmet. Now, I am no Politian or financial advisor, but I personally do not believe that Canada has room in the budget to spend that much money on American made Aircraft, supporting the American Economy but not our own. We could out millions of dollars into the Canadian Economy, build our own aircraft, make thousands of Canadian government Jobs, and build a much stronger economy for those of tomorrow. That is what the Canadian Government wants, right? A stronger economy, more secure jobs, and to be able to support the many young Canadian’s that will one day grow up, and be looking for a job of their own. Yes, the unemployment rate has gone down drastically, but how can we be sure of in 20 years? I can tell you, that that stronger economy, those secure long lasting and in demand jobs, would start with the Super Arrow Project. If we wanted to, we could build an American made version of the Super Arrow. Slightly less advanced, but still high above the rest of the world, and we could make a profit of them like they have been doing for hundreds of years. Imagine how much we could sell the Arrow for if we wanted to. With our numerous Allies such as the USA, France, UK , and England, we could make more money than ever! It is very rare that we turn to a Canadian aircraft making company for the Air Force’s aircraft. In fact, the only Canadian made Aircraft we own are the CC115 de Havilland Buffalo, which is nearing its 50th birthday and retirement, used for Search and Rescue and transport, the Bombardier Dash 8, used for navigational training, and the de Havilland Twin Otter for Northern Search and Rescue and transport. We normally turn to the American’s to buy Aircraft, and that frankly has proven to lead to several expensive purchases. Continuing with the Super Arrow would help the Canadian Economy tremendously, and help with our countries pride! National Security is a major issue that is constantly discussed in Canada’s Parliament. The Government wants to defend our country, right? Imagine the security you would have, the “extra sleep”, knowing that a Canadian citizen is overseeing a Canadian plane be built. Knowing that there is almost no chance of a mishap or trick in building this. You could have 100% faith that Canadians built this, so that their friends and family could safely fly it. And in case of an attack, the plane isn’t going to fall out of the sky, and that if the Americans built it, they aren’t “booby trapped” to fall out of the sky. I know that I personally would trust my own nation to build my aircraft rather than another Nation. Canada is so great, from our RCMP to our RCAF; all of our highly trained national security staff deserves the best, Canadian made equipment. Nothing would be safer, cheaper and more prideful than to have Canada build all its own aircraft for our military. With the Super Arrow, it will be so much easier to modify or upgrade it if need be. We would have the blueprints right there, and we would know just how to upgrade it, cutting the costs of having to ship them down to the United States and have them upgraded there, and have to have to ship it back up again. We are the second biggest country in size, and have an approximate population of 34.48 million people, which is more than enough space to safely build a factory, and more than enough people to plan, build, fly and maintain the Super Arrow. It would only make sense to carry through with this amazing project, for the sake of our Nation’s Security, Economy and pride. With the Conservative government having a majority, there is no better time to start the Super Arrow than right now. Take a look at all the work Mr. Joe Green has done and consider Canada’s pride. July 1st, 2013, celebrates the 154th Birthday of this fabulous nation that we call Canada. We have been through World War 1, World War 2, sent one ship to the Vietnam War, beat the Americans in 1812, beat the Americans in 1812, and helped the UN out in Iraq and Afghanistan. So ask yourself, why, being such a successful country, would we want to spend all this money towards the American Economy instead of the Canadian Economy? “A Mari Usque Ad Mare” or “From Sea to Sea” is Canada’s motto, so let’s build an aircraft that can connect from Sea to Sea. That can defend Canada and her Allies, and create jobs for today’s struggling economy. Most importantly, let’s make our country proud. Thank you for reading this essay and Happy Canada Day.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 08:48:14 +0000

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