Call for Application: Memory Mapping Kosovo - Spaces of the State: - TopicsExpress


Call for Application: Memory Mapping Kosovo - Spaces of the State: From Socialism to Parallel Education - Final Atelier/s CALL FOR APPLICATION Memory Mapping Kosovo forumZFD and Alter Habitus have the pleasure to invite you to apply for the “Memory Mapping Kosovo” project and the final project atelier/s #3&4: “Spaces of the State: From Socialism to Parallel Education” Date/s: September 21 – 24, 2014 Location: University of Prishtina, Institute for Social Studies and Humanities, Faculty of Philosophy #127 Who can apply: Students of history, political science, anthropology, sociology, literature etc., researchers and civil society activists Led by: - Nita Luci (PhD in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor - USA and lecturer at the University of Prishtina) - Linda Gusia (MA in Sociology from the New York University - USA and lecturer at the University of Prishtina) - Hajrulla Ceku (MA in Comparative Local Development in University of Trento - Italy and Executive Director of Ec Ma Ndryshe) The “Memory Mapping Kosovo” project, aims/ed at bringing together groups of social science students and civil society activists to explore, compare and contrast, practices and sites of memorialization in Kosovo. The project objective is to identify, analyze and scrutinize alternative and official but contested memory sites in Kosovo, by contrasting them with established historical narratives (history books) and archive material, with the aim of producing a new multi-perspective understanding of memory and memorialization in Kosovo, which will contribute to a constructive dealing with the past debate in Kosovo. The project counts 4 ateliers subjecting various memorials and sites of remembrance in Kosovo, each representing a historical, political and social discourse, plus the fifth atelier focusing on outreach and follow-up activities. The first and second atelier/s of the “Memory Mapping Kosovo” project took place in mid-March 2014 and end-June 2014, respectively. The 3rd and 4th atelier/s will be implemented during 11-14 September, 2014; merged into a single but extended atelier. During the final atelier/s of the project (atelier#3&4), we will focus on “Brotherhood and Unity” memory site and private house school “Sami Frasheri” from ‘90s parallel system, and the ways in which these sights/objects are remembered today, ways in which they are politicized, and part of cultural memory negotiations. Participants will be asked to consider the intersections between history and politics in public and private spaces, and specifically the relevance of these sites to transformations of state in Kosovo. The final project atelier/s (atelier#3&4) consist of a one-day sight visit to “Brotherhoodand Unity” memorial and private house school Sami Frasheri from the ‘90s parallel system, and a three-day intensive workshop. The visit and workshop will generate discussion and analysis based on: (1) the information and experience gained from the visit, (2) the historical narrative of the events memorialized in the site (literature, oral history, testimony, etc.), and (3) available archive materials. With the completion of atelier/s sessions and follow-up activities, participants will be awarded with a forumZFD, Alter Halibuts, Institute for Social Studies and Humanities and the University Program for Gender Studies and Research (University of Prishtina) certificate. In addition to, and influenced by the “Memory Mapping Kosovo” project and ateliers, the University Program for Gender Studies and Research (University of Prishtina), within the “Prishtina International Summer University 2015”, will organize the course “Politics of Cultural Memory in Europe: State, Nation and Citizenship.” Students participating in the ateliers will have a significant advantage considering the experience gained in the field of memory studies. Participants of “Prishtina International Summer University 2015” will be awarded with 4 ECTS points. To apply, please send a two page Resume to [email protected] and alter.habitus@gmail until September 15th, 2014. The project is being implemented in partnership between fozumZFD, Alter Habitus - Institute for Studies in Society and Culture and Institute for Social Studies and Humanities, University of Prishtina. https://facebook/notes/forumzfd-kosovo-program/call-for-application-memory-mapping-kosovo-spaces-of-the-state-from-socialism-to/758278100876874
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 12:43:21 +0000

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