Calluna (also known as heather) is a low-growing, evergreen - TopicsExpress


Calluna (also known as heather) is a low-growing, evergreen perennial shrub. It grows widely in Europe and Asia Minor, but you can find it on every place with acidic soils. There is only one species - Calluna vulgaris, but there are hundreds of cultivars that bloom at varying times and in many colors. Calluna is easily grown and can be used as ground covers, in rock gardens and rockeries or in planters. Callunas plants bloom from June until November. Callunas are acid soil plants. Test and adjust the soil acidity to maintain a pH of 4.5-6.0. Plant out your Calluna in the garden so the root-ball is at the same soil level that it has been growing before. Provide protection from cold winter winds (at least in the first year after planting in the garden). Water regularly to keep the soil evenly moist, but never soggy. Soggy soil can lead to root and stem rot or fungal diseases. The plants require little or no fertilizing. Calluna can be pruned by cutting back flower spikes immediately after they have finished blooming. But late fall and winter blooming hybrids should be pruned in early spring. Callunas are shallow rooted plants, so always use care when cultivating and weeding around them. #calluna #vres #flowers ##plants #kvety #rastliny #flora #zahradkar
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 06:53:32 +0000

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