Campaign Update: All you need is ignorance and confidence and - TopicsExpress


Campaign Update: All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure. ~Mark Twain This has been a rollercoaster of a week. Since posting my plans to run for Senate, I’ve thought many many times; “Oh brother, I can’t do this,” what I call Charlie Brown moments. However, every single time I think “can’t” I get an email or facebook message from a friend supporting my effort. Each one of those messages erases the “can’t.” I really appreciate everyone who has sent messages of encouragement. Why I posted the quote? I’ve never accomplished anything of importance without someone telling me “you can’t do that.” Moreover, I wasn’t born with a great deal of confidence. My redeeming wherewithal is interested and stubborn; without which, I’d be far less than I know I’m capable. I’ve ignored “can’t,” and with each success, learned that no success is gained without confidence. If one doesn’t believe strongly in his/her self; no one will believe him/her! This week I’ve also had the privilege to meet people who are concerned and frustrated as I am. After joining the Libertarian Party, several members reached out to say welcome. I was lucky enough to meet these people at a social in New Orleans. These people out there acting to inform people that there is a real alternative to the two party system. Believe me, they are not making money for themselves, they believe in Freedom, they are out there doing not talking. I respect and admire their efforts. I’m behind the Libertarian Party; if you’re reading this post, I strongly suggest visiting the Louisiana Libertarian website,; because, YOU’RE PROBABLY A LIBERTAIRIAN. I also had the chance to speak to a gentleman who is very passionate about the “Fair Tax;” he’s giving his time to educate people on the “Fair Tax.” He’s taking action on an issue he strongly believes is right. After much reading about the “Fair Tax,” I agree with him. I urge you to visit, and learn about the fair tax. The lesson of the past week is “stop talking;” “start acting.” If you know as I do, we have enormous odds to overcome to preserve this Republic, start acting now; time is not on our side. I look at the challenges facing our Republic, and think solutions are about as probable as my Senate campaign. However, I do know one thing for certain: “do nothing, and we WILL lose our Republic.” Talking and complaining on the internet is not going to cut it. You want to change things? Get down in the trenches. In the next week, I’ll be working on a website and trying to get all the paperwork I need together. I’ll post another update next weekend. Please, if all you do is say a prayer for all the men and women working to preserve freedom, that’s something. God bless the United States Republic; God bless everyone in the trenches; God Bless you all.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:32:42 +0000

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