Can You See Me!!! We all as people have been tried and - TopicsExpress


Can You See Me!!! We all as people have been tried and tested to see how much faith we have as a good person. Sometimes we fail the test but, with hope from the candle of love that burns with our spirit we never give up. God never promised roses without thorns or you would never fall down in life. The old road we choose to travel sometimes gets rough and needs repair to be able to move on. God never takes away from you he is only taking back what he has loaned you in your life so you could exist. These thing are called happiness and love no greater gift to man. When we loose someone close to us we all become sad and mourn our loss. This is natural you don’t walk this road by yourself we all some time or another have to travel this path. When that time comes remember God loves you. I was mowing grass the other day and I had a vision I could see my brother. He was saying can you see me. Can you see me. I’m the one behind Jesus with the big smile. I cried like a baby and went to hollering praise God. It was Gods way of letting me know he made it home. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of him and tell him I love him. I would have gladly taken his place but, that’s not how it works my friends. We are here for a purpose and when it has been served then and only then will it be our turn to go be with the Lord. For anyone that is lost and wants to be saved let Jesus come into your life. When he knocks on your hearts door let him in. Accept him with love and see how your life will change. I can remember where I got saved out behind the old barn digging worms to go fishing. The best day of my life and want no one tell you that you got saved you will know it. You will have a happiness like none you have ever know. Your whole life will change within an instance mine did. Don’t let fear hold you back for he said, I will walk with you thru the valley of the shadow of death and you shall fear no evil. Jesus ask nothing but, for your love and to accept him as your savior the son of God. Just bow your head and ask God to come unto you and into your heart and ask forgiveness for your sins. Its that simple nothing hard about it. Can you see me. Yes I can see you and so does Jesus. wd
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 02:45:58 +0000

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