Can it be it fairly be said that those who wage Jihad against the - TopicsExpress


Can it be it fairly be said that those who wage Jihad against the kafir Taghut - that such people are “Khawarij”? Even though the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم described the real Khawarij as “They will kill the Followers of Islām, and let go of the Followers of the Idols.” [Al-Bukhari] So who are the ones that kill, slaughter, imprison, spy against, torture, wage war against, capture and hand over the Warriors of Tawheed into the hands of the Zionists and Crusaders? Who are the ones who help the Crusaders massacre millions of defenseless Muslims around the entire globe; and continue to provide a refuge for the Crusaders upon the Peninsula of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم? The same Peninsula which was once the sanctuary of the Prophets Ibrahim and Muhammad, the land of the fearless Sahaba; the land from where the Warriors of Islam marched and brought the Roman and Persian Empires to their knees - from where it conquered from Spain to China, from Morocco to Indonesia; the land which was the Land protecting the Muslims, waging Jihad against the Tawagheet, and assisting all Muslims everywhere on earth against the kuffar, while sheltering the Mujahideen… Today, this is the same land from where the Zionist jets and Crusader bombers and missiles are launched from, blowing apart weak Muslim children, women and the elderly; today it is the same land from where the Armies of the Cross launch their operations against the Muslim lands.. To such a degree, that there is no jet/bomber that attacked Iraq, except that it came from the Arabian Peninsula: Today, this land is the sanctuary of the Zionist Crusaders, and from here they launch Crusades against the Mujahideen… So O Brother of Tawheed! Will you blindly follow your leaders and scholars against the textual evidences - Or will you obey Allah, your Lord, when He says, "So take hold of them and kill them wherever you find them. In their case, We have provided you with a clear warrant against them." [Nisa:89-91]; Will you not obey your Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم , when he said in his last will, "Expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula."? Or you will you still clam that the Muwahideen are Khawarij? Who are the ones that kill dozens of Muslims for every single kafir Crusader captured by the Mujahideen - and they run as fast as they can to “free” the captured Crusaders; Who are ones which are helping seize the sincere Mujahideen to quench their thirst of the Zionist Crusaders, and then they send them to be humiliated at the hands of the Crusaders within their dungeons and prisons? Who are the ones who are are not only unbothered by the fact that millions of Muslims are being slaughter rather they are even collaborating with the Crusaders to massacre the Muslims? So maybe it will be apparent for you… And who are the ones who feel safe next to the Zionist Crusaders; the same satanic armies who rape the Muslimat in Chechnya, Bosnia, Kashmir, Philippines, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Iraq? These apostate regimes who feel safe and more “protected” next to the same Zionist Crusaders who tie Muslims with a dog-leash and perform evil deeds with them, and torture them? And these murtadeen go to visit these Zionist Crusaders in their white palaces, congratulating them for their operations against the Muslims.. And who are the ones who would never sit next to a Mujahid from Kashmir or Chechnya; they never visit the brethren who are trying their utmost to protect the Muslimat and their children from the atrocities of the Crusaders? Yet, who are the ones that are attacking and killing the armies of the Cross and Shirk - trying to establish Tawheed and abolish Shirk? Then ask yourself - who are the ones that run away from hese noble brethren and seek refuge with the Crusaders? Who are the ones that kill and help kill (Mudhaharah) the noble Brethren of Jihad who protect the Muslimat and their children? So think deeply.. Who are the ones that are not merely “letting go” of the mushrikeen, but rathey are taking each and every measure to ensure the safety of the Ziionists and Crusaders upon the Peninsula of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم ? Who are the people killing the Muslims in order to please the kuffar in the White Palace? Who are the people that are waging a war side-by-side with the Crusaders against the Mujāhidīn? Who are the ones who would kill anyone in order to satisfy the thirst of the Zionists and Crusaders and yet they dare claim to be Muslims? Who are the ones that take Jizyah from the Muslims, and give donations to Zionists and Crusaders? Who are the ones that feel safe next to a Crusader, but threatened next to a Mujahid? And maybe it will become clear to you who the real Khawarij are..
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 01:48:52 +0000

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