Can someone handle this without emotion beclouding their argument. - TopicsExpress


Can someone handle this without emotion beclouding their argument. The painful truth is that Whites are by far living better lives. Most inventions were by them. They brought civilization to the world. If Africa was never colonised, would we have thought of inventing electricity, would we have invented writing, (pen and paper); what about the automobile, the computer; would we have come up with the laws of gravity; the law of Relativity; would we have imagined going to the moon OR we would be stuck in our superstitions, wearing animal skins. Right now most African nations have civil wars-they scramble for leadership. Its only now that blacks are learning how to run businesses- otherwise, we are generally bad at business-since we are so bad with keeping time; orderliness; attention to detail; we just approach everything lackadaisically; no sense of urgency. Come to the townships and see how blacks drown their lives in liquor and women. I am not saying there are no white folk who do these things- the proportion of blacks is greater by far. What gives the Whites such an advantage? dont tell me its because we were colonised-are we still colonised? How in the first place did they manage to colonise us? Were we not fighting with sticks and spears and they with guns and the canons? How did they even get here? how did they cross the seas and the oceans to get to Africa? Could we have built ships to go to their countries or we feared the sea and were riddled in superstition about it. They were more intelligent than us-they could build ships, make guns and the rest. They knew the value of gold, and other minerals because they were scientifically superior. Even before colonisation, they were already studying the universe and its myriad of galaxies, and us-what were we doing when Coppenicus explained our solar system; when Newton explained the nature of light and invented Differentation and intergration and discovered the Force of Gravity? Our knowledge about our own world was riddled in a web of superstition without empirical evidence-All we cared about was our cattle, women and ancestors. How come the Bible did not come to us first? Is it not because we were doing rock painting while the whites were writing and were even better painters than us? Michael Angelo and the rest made great paintings whose prices reach millions now. How much is a rock painting at auctions- Are they even there? Its a painful Truth- A blackman was tought the Bible by the White man who unfortunately abused. he used much of his intelligency to colonise us. God obviously did not invent colonisation and apartheid- but He surely gave the White man a superior mind which he (the white man) used to his advantage and defied the one who gave him such wealth. By far these people have always been superior to us- If God did not create them like this, then who did? If they were not more blessed than us, then how do we explain their superior minds?.....Facts are stubborn. I guess Some of the answers will be given in heaven
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 06:49:55 +0000

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