Can someone help explain this to me: I’m not sure how to write - TopicsExpress


Can someone help explain this to me: I’m not sure how to write this. I’ve been trying to open my third eye for a few months now. I’ve read a lot and watched many videos about it. One night while lying in bed I felt a snap inside my head, towards the back of the brain. Right after the snap, I heard a sound inside my head. The sound did not come through my ears, it was completely internal. Since I had been reading about the third eye opening I was expecting a snap or a pop when it happened as experienced by many others. The sound I heard was a twongggg sound, similar to the sound a metal spring might make if you bend it and release it. It was definitely a twonggg sound, with the ending slightly resonant and echoing. The sound surprised me, it was loud and it startled me back from the edge of sleep into a wide awake state. I lay in bed trying to analyze what had happened. I tend to over analyze things but came up with no explanation for it and eventually fell asleep. About a week after this I was lying in bed and determined to open my third eye. As I was concentrating on nothingness, my vision shifted. It was as if I was looking through a tube, like the cardboard tube from a roll or wrapping paper. At the end of the tube, I saw a swirling purple mass, swirling counter-clockwise. Soon the purple faded away and was replaced by a pale transparent green that was not swirling. The green faded away and there was a sand color. My vision focused on the wall of a cliff across from where I was (or from where my vision was) and I could see either buildings or possibly structures built in the side of the cliff, all sand colored. I looked straight down from my vantage point and immediately focused on a being down on the floor of the valley below me. The best way I can describe the being is reptilian, I have no other frame of reference. I saw only one of its eyes, on the side if its head. The head was very block shaped and the eye slightly triangular. As soon as I made eye contact with this being it screamed “LEAVE”, but it wasn’t a verbal scream, more of a telepathic one. I left immediately; it was that powerful a command to me. I woke up as soon as I left there. I had no peripheral vision, just the tube like view so I don’t know much more about the place. I’ve tried to go back there, hopefully to see more. I don’t know if this was a third eye vision, or possibly a remote viewing .I’ve read and studied quite a bit about remote viewing. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t an OBE since the view was so tunnel like. The reason I think I got there was this: Before the vision I said out loud “I want to see the home world of (name withheld), someone that has admitted to being an ET. I have no problem with ETs being here among us if they want to live in peace with us. I get along with people of all races, religions, and cultures if they are willing to get along with me so beings from another world will be treated the same by me.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 18:32:24 +0000

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