Cancelled The OSCAR for The Great Beauty - is because of - TopicsExpress


Cancelled The OSCAR for The Great Beauty - is because of Berlusconi SERGIO DI CORI MODIGLIANI ... The film was produced by an important scion of the dynasty Letta, the cousin of former premier. Its called Giampaolo Letta, is one of the four barons of Italian cinema (he is the most important , is not by chance that another of her grandchildren ) whose main task is to prevent that in Italy there are posters and the free market media , maintaining a capillary party dictatorial control on the film industry . And the CEO of Medusa film, which 100 % of the shares owned by Mediaset. The real Oscar , then ( in the U.S. counts the producer , being the father of the film) has won Silvio Berlusconi, which goes all the credit for having conducted business in this port ours . But no one in the Italian said . It a product PDL- PD- Lega Nord Sound of Music . In theory (but only in theory) was produced by Nicola Giuliano and Francesca Cima ( PD share of narrow brand of bureaucratic school veltroniana ) on behalf of Indigo Film , which - without - Berlusconi would not have been able even to pay for the costs office , as of 9 million euro budget , good Berluska has put 6.5 . E was also thrown into the Northern League , who participated with the Banca Popolare di Vicenza ( 500 thousand Euros as a favor of friendship ) and with the sponsorship of Biscottificio Verona ( in the whole movie is not seen even once someone eating one of his biscuits), both companies desirous of entering the great ride (I took two phone calls to get them ) . Thanks to malleverie policies , through the foundations of the party have got another 2 million Euros cross : if the PD has made them give thanks to the diligent work of European relations through the Media program Europe ( 650 thousand euro ) while Renata Polverini participated in the production, giving 500 thousand euro on behalf of the Presidency of the Lazio Region through the fund for cinema and audiovisual services for the revival of the film activities of young people ( who gave money to Giampaolo Letta , on paper he would be the young man who was helped) . Nicola Giuliano has set up a team party . In theory makes the producer, but also makes the teacher , the consulente.Ha the chair in the course of production of the National Film School of Rome, but at the same time also the chair of professor of film production at the University of Sister Orsola Benincasa University of Naples , as well as a professor of low cost production in San Antonio de los Banos in Cuba and consultant for RAI. It an official handyman who puts on packages partisan , which has little to do with movies , but a lot has to do with the idea of how to make Italian cinema. Or rather, a lot has to do with the idea of how it kills and destroys a film . According to the enhancers of this Italian product , the film would open the way to a winning investment, stimulating the young authors and launching the new Italian cinema ; while , however, the only result will be to make it clear to everyone, such as severe admonition that or take the card Forza Italian / PD or not worked to clarify to anyone who intends to invest € 1 in the cinema that we must not pass through the grid italianity party , which put on the run who takes care of the cinema and instead of a different nature will attract sharks whose sole objective is to make lucrative deals with Berlusconi in Italy and the PD , in completely different shores. The young authors, Italian filmmakers in the grass, the young hopeful productions , independent films , to receive this award because the colossal damage signal that is given to them is that of the Italian- bashing , that of the Great Hypocrisy, the true figure of this country who refuses to open up the market to the deserving , to the competent authorities, those without a card . The film won exactly the same way in which he had won Cinema Paradiso in 1990. Two technical words to explain how the mechanism works of Oscar voting . To vote you must be logged in to the MPAA ( Motion Picture Academy of Art) and must be unionized ; since 1960 also applies the principle that those who are unemployed do not vote , meaning that you have to prove with documents in hand that it is working at least the last 24 months without interruption , thereby guaranteeing the vote of those who are really in to the market . Why to Americans the only thing that really matters to is the market for this Woody Allen ( independent author ) hates Hollywood and no one ever goes , consider it a scam. The voters are approximately 6,000 , and there are all categories of workers ( called industry workers ) : producers, directors, screenwriters, cinematographers , stagehands , sound technicians , lighting , set designers , tailors, cloakroom attendants , security guards , even the managers of contracts to manage the catering on set, etc. . Each is worth one vote , which means that the vote of Steven Spielberg is as good as that of a boy whose job is to hold the shaft of the microphone towards the mouth of the star turn in the course of the shoot, as long as they do it at least two years , and pay the contributions . When approaching the day of the vote triggered the so-called packages and in Los Angeles the fight is furious and begins the hunt early as the beginning of November , with the marketing managers of the studios ( would be the big majors ) that threaten , blackmail , hire, lay off , to convince those who need to work to tell them who to vote for . As for foreign films , the procedure is the same but on a different track : that the so-called principle Hoover launched by the head of the FBI in the late 50s : the nation that wins more than any other will ever do business the six major productions that matter , buying its products. It s the reason why Italy is the country in the world that has collected the most Oscars of all (the servant and respectful ) and Russia and Japan than those who took less. When Italy for political reasons (or business ) needs an Oscar , then builds a powerful business ( for the series: you buy these four show that nobody in the world wants them there pay three times its value ) and it goes to propose a brokerage firm in Los Angeles connected to the two most powerful unions in California for 40 years managed by families of Calabria and Sicily , those who employ the technical manpower and handle packets as they control 65% of the total voting . For foreign films must have a strong endorsement or a support person known in the industry that guarantees on behalf of the unions, as was the case this year with Martin Scorsese who has been doing the rounds in the community of friends of friends in Brooklyn. In 1989 the same thing happened : Berlusconi had to enter the American market to put on a gigantic business (the one for which it has been finally convicted by the Supreme Court , the so-called process media -trade ); had to enter through the front door in Hollywood with the Pentafilm . But there were no Italian films that were worth , had already plunged the ax of the parties, so much so that even the late Fellini turned empty from one manufacturer to another and was unemployed , which is why he ended up getting sick. In the end, the clever Berlusconi was able to convince the most intelligent and talented producer of those times (which if passed lily ) Franco Cristaldi , to give a product because he had to win anyway. Cristaldi was desperate and did not know what to do because he could not make a fool with Americans who know good cinema and not easy to fool them , but it brought to mind a brilliant idea . He had a hustler with Raitre and had produced a film Cinema Paradiso , which was a resounding flop , both tivvù , with minimal audience , which at the cinema , where he was released after ten days and was withdrawn due to lack of public. The film lasted 155 minutes and was, frankly unwatchable , so boring . Without saying anything to the director, Cristaldi we worked alone - literally - for three months. He mounted the film completely , cut and threw away 72 minutes and using filters also changed the lights, even managing to change the dialogues. He did come out in the U.S. where he obtained a good critical success, enough to pass . Berlusconi was happy but did not give him what had been agreed upon. The day when Tornatore took the Oscar in 1990 , an incident occurred unheard of for the Hollywood community . The statuette was given to director Franco Cristaldi and suddenly jumped on stage and came and snatched the statuette to Tornatore , took the microphone in hand and said this is my Oscar , I won this award , this is my movie , this is a film producer . It was the beginning of the end of his career in Italy , because the next day the entire U.S. critics (in Italy was never even made mention of the events ) wanted to interview him and told him how the parties were destroying what once was one of the largest film industries in the world. The unloaded all ended up working in Italy and abroad. In a few years he died. It was then that Tornatore , in an interview , he explained how he was a director in Italy : We must get involved in politics , that is the way . I joined the PCI and then I managed to get myself elected in municipal elections in a small town in Calabria where I became commissioner . gave me to sign papers and I was signing without even reading them , I had to do just that. After a bit of time they told me that I might resign and go to Rome to do the film. He was right : in Italy it works well . 24 years later is the same thing, with the aggravating circumstance of elapsed time. The Great Beauty belongs to this genre -ness and the mere fact of combining it with Fellini or De Sica is an insult to the collective intelligence of the nation is a hustler policy . And you see, feel , you understand it , you can not lie in art because art is based on an exquisite paradox as it is total fiction - and then lie pure - those who produce it can not give it to understand why the underlying truth always comes out. And postcard of a petty-bourgeois constructed ( in a table) to meet the stereotypes of American voters , through an intellectual who does not give emotions, but only suggestions of provenance negative advertising marketing . In a devilishly ingenious and perverse aims of the masks in a country where the artistic truth passes , however, in need of exposure, ie, in the opposite direction. And the quintessential Italian paradox transformed in the usual oxymoron : a bad movie that arises and qualifies as the Great Beauty , just as Mario Monti gave the decree Save Italy that has plunged the country and Letta ( Henry ) who launched the government of making fired after a few months because he could not do anything. The film is really boring and lacking in depth , it is a subliminal product , promoted by the Italian political parties to the government only and only after that the two protagonists , Servillo and Paolo Sorrentino , have made publicly available to the family Letta. The film , in fact, had to come out in September of 2013 , but they have anticipated the release in June because it was the time when it was absolutely necessary to use every means to bite the opposition. On 7 June 2013, Servillo and Sorrentino, are invited by Lilli Gruber on his TV show 8 and 1/ 2 to the issuer LA7 . The interview lasts 32 minutes . The first 20 minutes are boring and talking about the movie , you will understand how the interview went , no one would have ever seen. From the 21th minute onwards , the turning , until the end. The actor and filmmaker , well- spoon fed by Gruber , throw in a political attack against personnel Beppe Grillo and M5s . A fact that made no sense , given that it was a film that nothing - for any reason - it had to do with the Italian political life and the ongoing debate. Servillo was very hard to support at one point that I make enemies , but I do them willingly , explaining to viewers ( who thought they were listening to an actor who spoke of the movies) as Cricket proposes an image of the old leader who goes by Masaniello Berlusconi - that is, its producer and uses violent language .... . Sorrentino went after him and together, for reasons incomprehensible to everyone involved in the cinema anywhere in the world (except in Italy ) explained that the M5s is a movement that wants to take away the sovereignty of parliament . youtube/watch?v=D2LfyVks6F4 Since that time the two went on tour to promote their film in the political national alerting the population about the danger represented by the M5s and thus, the national establishment , has emerged as fashion propagandandolo so exorbitant. Looking back on that interview , I found , therefore, that Servillo has determined that I am his enemy. I did not know . Yesterday evening, Gruber , always careful to respect the codes of representation that counts, has dedicated another interview for the film, but in this case called Walter Veltroni. Maybe there was some viewer that you will be asked but what to do with this movie? . In fact. Sergio Di Cori Modligiani
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 11:31:21 +0000

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