Cannamnestys politics about faith. Cannamnesty is first and - TopicsExpress


Cannamnestys politics about faith. Cannamnesty is first and foremost, an organisation that beleves in love. All people are created equal, and that it is our goal to make that happen. We will abolish capitalism. And we beleve that the liberation of the cannabis plant is the first step towards world peace. Spiritually is cannabis a clever herb. For some, the herb brings them closer to the spiritworld and the devine. For others its beneficial for the intellectual capacity. One becomes more creative, and some have the ability to see things from deeper perspectives. The herb brings happiness and well being for people in pain, and it is the manna of life. Cannamnesty is working in the name of forgiveness. We must forgive the past, all the way back to the first dawn in time, and prepare to move on. If we forgive all that is bad, both in the self and with others, we can let love in, and be equals. Cannamnesty recognizes all the worlds religions and forms of faith. In the future, all the spiritual leaders will live in one sacred city. There will be no word unspoken, and reconsiliation is the goal. As well as some people dont mind living with people of an other faith, others do. And it is in everybodys best interest, that we get that knot untied. There will have to be an enormous amount of research, until we have mapped the entire world populations faiths and preferences. Cannamnesty recognizes the need for segregation. Not by force, but by understanding. If you have the conviction that you should only live with people of your own kind (what ever that means), and as far away as possible from whoever you may call unclean or in other ways dont approve of, then we will have to see what we can do about that. We must make sure that everyone get their needs taken care of. Even if it crosses our moral thresholds. That said, Cannamnesty must stress, that all human beings are entitled their own faith, and that it is noones buisness but their own. Same goes for body, soul, feelings and freedom of expression. By the local standards ofcourse. Cannamnesty beleves in absolute democracy. People need to concern themselves more about what needs to be done. In their neighbourhood as well as on a global scale. As well as Cannamnesty recognizes all forms of faith, we also embrace sience. We have today, so much green sience, that we have the ability to heal our beloved mother Earth. Therefore, Cannamnesty promotes a total reform of all political systems, into our time of age. Let love rule, and make a spot for everyone at the table. Being greedy is clearly not the answer. We must therefore design the system so that it can last forever. We must stop arguing about the small stuff, and start to think several hundred years ahead. Maybe even thousands, and that means we must give back the earth to its people. Noone can own the land but the earth itself. We must tend to her, and se to it that shes happy. May God bless you all. If you dont believe, then take with you all of our best wishes for a peaceful and joyous life. Karl Teigen Cannamnesty
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:22:16 +0000

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