Cant help feeling that this whole post a photo without make-up to - TopicsExpress


Cant help feeling that this whole post a photo without make-up to raise awareness of breast cancer thing indicates that the way in which we view women is a more serious issue than the way in which we view breast cancer. Dont get me wrong, I like a well turned-out elegant woman as much as the next guy. In fact, in the interests of honesty, probably more than the next guy. Im a big fan of well-applied make-up. But the assumption seems to be that theres an implication by proxy that a woman being seen without make-up is in someway abnormal, and therefore this idea strikes me as more harmful than helpful to the cause of women. But what do I know? Im a bloke talking (albeit indirectly) about breast cancer, so maybe its doing exactly what its meant to. And maybe Im just grumpy because essential to the idea is the act of taking a selfie - the ultimate narcissistic act to offset the supposed humility of being sans-slap! If they really want to raise awareness whilst offsetting less harmful gender stereotypes, put blokes IN make-up, rather than stressing the sacrifices of women managing to go a few minutes without the war paint. Just my observation though. And I fully accept theres no absolute right or wrong here, but this does seem a somewhat confused and disjointed concept, however good its intentions.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 12:16:14 +0000

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