Capricorn Tuesday, July 22, 2014 Your best-laid plans may begin to - TopicsExpress


Capricorn Tuesday, July 22, 2014 Your best-laid plans may begin to crumble under the pressure now as unexpected demands are put on your time and energy. Nevertheless, remember to give yourself a break as the pace of your daily life speeds up. Accepting that you cant complete everything today might be enough to change the dynamics and help you to relax. Paradoxically, doing only what is absolutely necessary might actually enable you to finish more, faster than you expect. Singles Love Today its best not to yak instead cut to the chase when it comes to revealing how you really feel about someone. If youre attracted to them, say so. But if you want a friendship to stay platonic, its best to come clean now. Couples Love When communicating with your partner today, cut right to the chase. Youll get the best response if you dont bury your thoughts in lots of extra words. Dont make them work to figure out what you mean. Flirt You can trust your instincts to guide you today even if they seem kind of crazy. You could use something unexpected and unusual right now to shake things up. Finance - Money Youre focused on one person or issue at the expense of everyone and everything else. Thats not a healthy way of living on a daily basis, but its what you need to do to get the job done today. So be it. Career - Work If your supervisors suddenly cut off communication either wholesale or regarding some important issue take it as a sign to do things your way until they wake up and tell you otherwise.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 10:37:37 +0000

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