Caption: Pressing On Towards The Goal Text. : Philippians - TopicsExpress


Caption: Pressing On Towards The Goal Text. : Philippians 3:12-21 Phi 3:12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Phi 3:13 Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, Phi 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Paul had a goal in life after being reconciled to God through Christ Jesus. It was not a goal he had planned out by his own will or desires, rather, this goal of Paul was a response to Gods plan and purpose for his life. First of all, Paul knew what he had been called to do, and secondly, he pursued it with every bit of his life. He knew and had in mind that there was a place marked out for him and at all cost, he had to get there. Aside everything that Paul was doing in his life on earth here, he had a spiritual vision, and he esteemed his spiritual vision above any other thing in his life. Paul spells out his vision in the verse 10: 1. First of all, he states that he wants to know Christ. 2. Secondly, he talks about the fact that he wants to experience the power of His resurrection. 3. Thirdly, he makes mention of the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings. 4. Fourth, becoming like Christ in His death. 5. And lastly, one way or the other, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. When we sum up everything Paul said, we could conclude that Paul was one who was heavenly minded. He had set his mind on heavenly things, on things above. Everything was all about Christ Jesus and making Him known. In order to reach and attain that goal and place of perfection, Paul states that he pressed on. In other words, he stayed focused, he had a mind made up, he didnt give up, he pursued, he was determined, he chased after and channelled all his resources into that one goal he had set before him. He also talked about the fact that he did not consider his achievements, credentials, reputations and accomplishments of the past as something to be grasped, but rather he laid aside all those accomplishments of the past and focused and concentrated on what was ahead of him. He knew that at the end of it all, his citizenship was in heaven, so what benefit would it have been to lay up so many treasures on earth here on which he was just passing through. Can we also have such a heavenly mindset, focusing and channelling all our energies and resources on things above and for the course of the Gospel? We tend to have so many visions as believers; academic visions, financial visions, marital visions, social visions, housing visions and etc, but do we have spiritual visions? Where have we placed Christ and His Kingdom on our scale of preference? All these visions, one way or the other will only temporarily secure something for us here whiles temporarily on earth here, but only one will give us an eternal security. Have we ever taken the time to view things in an eternal perspective? First of all, do you know that God has a purpose and an assignment for you whiles on earth here? Am not talking about your job or business, thats not the purpose or assignment am talking about. Secondly have you discovered that purpose? (It can only be discovered in Christ Jesus). And thirdly, if you have discovered it, are you working and straining towards it? This is the only thing that gives a man fulfillment in life, nothing else can. Without fulfilling this purpose or assignment, one lives but with only an emptiness and a void in his or her heart, even till death. I should be careful as a believer of considering my past achievements so important or else, they will get in the way of my relationship with Christ. I have to count them all as nothing and as loss that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own, but that which is through faith in Christ-the righteousness that comes from God and that is by faith. Prayer: Lord, I thank you for my new life in Christ Jesus, which is by faith in God. I ask for Your leading and strength in order to be able to run the race to attain the goal marked out for me. Help me by Your Spirit to use all You have given me to serve You and Your Kingdom, and the glorious work of spreading the Good News of Christ Jesus. You are the very reason why I live. Thank You that You are my Security and Fulfillment. Amen. Seasoned DEVOTIONAL
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 09:05:14 +0000

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